Tragedy in Eastern Canada

  • el
  • pt
  • Gander NFLD Canada’s worst air disaster occurred today when a Cessna 152, a small two seater plane, crashed into a cemetery early this morning in central Newfoundland. Newfie search and rescue teams have recovered 826 bodies so far and expect that number to climb as digging continues into the evening.

    Posted in High Noise - Low Signal
    6 comments on “Tragedy in Eastern Canada
    1. Elayne Riggs says:

      You bastard, I can’t believe I fell for this… :)

    2. fp says:


    3. Stu Savory says:

      A Newfie spokesman added “This is a matter of grave concern”, the cessna had been operating only with a provisional certificate, in fact it was a pilot scheme”.

      CFI (certified flying idiot)

    4. jr says:

      Oh the humanity, oh the humanity…

      Don’t tell W (Cessna 152 = WMD)


      1. Log on:  Make the wood stove hotter

      2. Log off:  Don’t add no more wood

      3. Monitor:  Keep an eye on that wood stove

      4. Download:  Getting the firewood off the truck

      5. Floppy disk:  What you get from trying to carry too much firewood

      6. Ram:  The thing that splits the firewood

      7. Hard Drive:  Getting home in the winter

      8. Prompt:  What the mail ain’t in the winter

      9. Window:  What to shut when it’s cold outside

      10. Screen:  What to shut in black fly season

      11. Byte:  What the black flies do

      12. Bit:  What the black flies did

      13. Mega Byte:  What the LABRADOR black flies do

      14. Chip:  Munchies for TV

      15. Micro Chip:  What’s left in the bag after you eat the chips

      16. Modem:  What you did to the hay fields

    6. Jon Husband says:

      Good thing Newfies like Newfie jokes. If it were Republicans, they’d probably be asking why you hate America.



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