On Sunday I did yard work. I thought that after the yard work I might work on this little list. Well, here’s my progress report…
- Dig up Marek’s address and send him the damn book. Didn’t happen. What would life be like without important stuff to feel guilty about?
- Give the puppy a bath. Didn’t happen. What would life be like without the increasingly fetid stench of dirty dogs? Is the phrase “fetid stench” redundant?
- Work on the Draft Counseling Workshop. Hooray. Progress. I made some calls and sent out some materials in preparation for Saturday’s meeting. Not enough calls though. Still plenty to feed the guilt monster.
- Pay the household bills...Not! I think it’s Beth’s turn.
- Research hybrid cars. This one will be fun when I get around to it.
- Write a snarky post pointing out how everyone needs a copy editor with emphasis on recent typos at EGR and misusages at Dowbrigade. Typo at EGR got corrected without the snarky post. Dowbrigade is like Gen Y or something anyway. Why should he use the right words when he can hone in on the homonyms?
- Get with Dean and JR about the dormant “Billable Hours” idea. The road to hell is paved….
- Write a post for IT Garage. One more flagstone on the road I’m travelin’.
- Write a post for Lockergnome’s Net Connections. Have I mentioned my good intentions?
- Work on my photo albums. Okay, I did get Picasa chunking along and managed to send out some pictures that had been on the guilt list for a month or so.
- Address the next Sandhill version. If I’m lucky, Shelley will still be looking for some paid work to offset the cost of a new camera.
- Harass DH about the interview. Success! This is coming along nicely.
- Sort out the office. As if…
- Clean out the barn. Oh sure…
- Wash a car. Never happen…
- Drop in on dad. Guilt clouds on the horizon.
- Fix Mimsy’s hosed XP. This one would just be good karma. No guilt since I haven’t promised anything!
- Read the last McMurtry book. Still on the side table in the living room.
- Continue with the Stephenson book. A few pages enjoyed.
- Continue with the Westlake book. This seems to be my main fiction read right now. Making progress. Liking it.
- Finish the Krugman book. Luckily this is in the john and it’s a collection of columns. No hurry. Daily progress.
- Play fetch with Molly Zoom. Did that. lots of times since I wrote Sunday’s list.
- Write a post about puppy love. Sort of did that, but I left out the sacharine emotional and real parts. I love that dog much like I loved my first girl friend… it’s pure, it’s innocent… there’s a lot of potential… maybe we’lkl play frisbee!
- Take a nap. You. That one worked out just fine.
- Take a walk. Oddly, I did this too.
- Doink around with software. Not much doinkage happened.
- Doink around with the camera. See above re. not much doinkage.
- Call Matt and hassle him about visiting. The complex negotiations are in progress. We’re working on the shape of the table right now. And whether talks will be held in San Diego or Kansas city.
That’s AFTER I finish the yard work. (Well, I may not have accomplished much that was on the list, but then I didn’t exactly FINISH the yard work either.)
BOINKAGE! Now there’s a term we won’t be hearing applpied to many of the speeches from either party’s convention!
You get coinage props for boinkage.
KUDOs (and I don’t mean a candy bar!).