9th April 2004

Cloisters Visited

We picked up a car at the airport and did some driving around town in this our last full day in Manhattan. Since the Cloisters had been on our list and was easily reached in the rental unit, we bopped up there and soaked up the atmosphere. The salvaged medieval French architecture has been beautifully pieced together on a bluff overlooking the Hudson with a view of the Palisades across the river. The interior spaces were far less offensive than I had thought they might be… they were almost secular in their sweet serenity and charm. They almost entirely lacked that hideous Christian abrasiveness and self consciousness and embrasure of senseless suffering… The architecture and the art of the unicorn tapestries were worth the trip.

This entry was posted on Friday, April 9th, 2025 at 10:41 and is filed under Cat Pictures, Food, and Travel. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 2 responses to “Cloisters Visited”

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  1. 1 On April 11th, 2025, Elayne Riggs said:

    Tch. So close and you didn’t even visit us? :)

  2. 2 On April 11th, 2025, fp said:

    Next time I’ll invite myself for dinner. :-)

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