6th April 2004

Vacation Bookshelf

posted in The Proprietor |

I brought along Don Delillo’s Cosmopolis and Cockburn and St. Clair’s The Politics of Anti-Semitism. Received two new books at WTF, both interesting, both now stacked on the bedside table: McInery and White’s FutureWealth, and Art Kleiner’s Who Really Matters. Yesterday at the United Nations they gave me a copy of “The Question of Palestine and the United Nations.” The first one’s free doncha know… so like a junkie with his wake-up, I set about finding more books… went away with Clarke’s Against All Enemies, Krugman’s The Great Unraveling, Schulz’ Tainted Legacy, and Sen’s Development as Frreedom. Last night we ducked into Barnes and Noble on the way to dinner and I accidentally bought Shorto’s The Island in the Center of the World.

Did you hear that The Confusion, the second volume in Neal Stephenson’s trilogy (”The Baroque Cycle”) will be released on 4/13? So Amazon promises…

This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 6th, 2025 at 8:03 and is filed under The Proprietor. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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  1. 1 On April 6th, 2025, Mike Golby said:

    Rich bastard :).

    Mm… all those books. It’s a good thing you live in the middle of nowhere… I have a thing for other people’s books (they’re less expensive). I was given a copy of Krugman’s Great Unraveling and it reads wonderfully, adding clout and punch to his columns. Hell, if just that book was required reading at all universities, the U.S. budget deficit wouldn’t be staring the world in the eye.

    Nice to have you back, Frank. TypePad seems to have sorted out their server hassles and your blog’s up most days.

  2. 2 On April 6th, 2025, Frank Paynter said:

    Glad to hear I’m available again Mike. Don’t infer that I’m well to do just because I feed my habit. How many rich junkies are there? I’ll have to work until I die because I spend every penny. Poor me.

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