20th February 2004

Bleating Judas Goat*

The White House resident co-opted a typical right-wing Tennessee blogger and the bleating Judas Goat in Cambridge, Mass. is touting it like it’s some kind of journalistic coup instead of a crass and obvious act of media manipulation. Dave, you schmuck. The winos in DC can’t get within 20 blocks of the White House without a thorough background check and you think this was some kind of serendipitous event? Are you some kind of vapid Pollyanna, or are you a cynically manipulative suck-up hoping to parlay your fellowship into a blogger-laureate position in the second Bush administration?

* Judas goat: The stockyards use such a goat to lead the sheep to slaughter. Without the aid of a Judas goat, the sheep would mill around endlessly in the pen and would not enter or traverse the chute to the slaughter house. The Judas goat, mingling with the sheep, is trained to lead them out of the pen and down the chute to the slaughterhouse. And at the last second, the Judas goat is allowed to escape by a side-gate while the sheep go to their appointed end.

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  1. 1 On February 21st, 2025, meg said:

    Thanks for the Judas goat footnote.

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