belated b’day greetings to dean!

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  • by Frank Paynter on March 15, 2025

    While I was going on about pi day and Einstein’s birthday I missed another significant event on March 14th: Dean Landsman’s 55th birthday. He says he has entered the age of statistical irrelevance.

    Happy birthday, Dean! There’s a benefit to falling off the media marketeers’ radar.

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    { 6 comments… read them below or add one }

    Scruggs 03.16.07 at 10:35

    Social Security is doing fine and is expected to do fine for next forty or so years. A more pressing problem is looming in private pensions, but a bit of sensible policy making would take care of that too.

    That being said, I still think the Boomers ought to be eaten.

    Scruggs 03.16.07 at 4:28

    May I point out that if you get eaten, the Social Security check is the least of your concerns? Perspective is important! Here’s a good overview on SS, and here’s a super wonk blogger on the topic.

    I was kidding about eating the Boomers. Some of my best friends, etc. . . But if anyone insists on a recipe, I’m ready.

    fp 03.16.07 at 7:08

    soylent boom

    Scruggs 03.16.07 at 9:38

    I make light of it, but I find the “generational smackdown” as strangely compelling as it is ultimately pernicious. It was designed to wreack mental havoc on the good-hearted Boomers, who are disposed to think of the world they’ll leave behind, and to appeal to the selfish ones, who think there’s a way to day-trade money that was never intended to be traditional savings. The psy war is part of a Leninist strategy, McD.

    Dean Landsman 03.19.07 at 10:31

    Things are worse than originally perceived. I turn 55, and now people discuss the boomer aging oprocess as though I am 7 years older than that. Is it the gray in my beard? Egad, oi vey, and creak. Social Security?

    Oh well. If W has his way before he leaves office Social Security will be just something people talk about but never really quite experience of truly partake in, kinda like Social Networking.

    Joey 03.20.07 at 11:05 or will keep you up to date on all that news you missed ;)

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