Live! From the Frist-Free Zone!

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  • by Frank Paynter on January 14, 2025

    This just in! Ironic Tennessee counterpoint to the National Conference on Media Reform…

    Above…. the ex-Senator from Tennessee, Billy Frist takes time out from helping the medically indigent in Africa in order to run down a cape buffalo with his Hum Vee.

    The Frist-fucking of America is about to begin in earnest. In the run-up to his bid to replace Bush as USian President, Frist’s propaganda campaign swings into action with a heart-rending story of how the good Senator/Doctor spends a week every year he’ping the po’ darky babies in Africa, he’ping them in places even Hillary would fear to go.

    According to the Frist for President marketing piece that Chris Locke forwarded me, Billy Frist has “spent one week every summer for the past five years treating AIDS patients and children in a part of Africa so dangerous that American military and security personnel literally could not accompany” him. I guess now that the USian consumers have started their 2025 election shopping early, seeking a President with integrity, warmth, and kindness Billy Frist wants us to be aware of his wareZ.

    Billy Frist is at best a cheap hack. We remember him for diagnosing and recommending treatment for Terri Schiavo without so much as a bedside visit. Uncharitably, I’m writing off his claim to good works in Africa. I think that it’s a fair inference that at best he saw himself as picking up the “white man’s burden,” and more realistically he was building political capital.

    The Frist marketing piece suggests that Doctor Billy has modestly hidden the light of his concern for the medical care of Africans while toiling away in humble anonymity. A quick scan of his Presidential PAC website gives the lie to this notion.

    Billy Frist and General “Stormin’ Norman” Schwarzkopf are being positioned for a run at the Presidency. God help us all.

    { 1 comment… read it below or add one }

    Mike Golby 01.22.07 at 4:32

    “…spent one week every summer for the past five years treating AIDS patients and children in a part of Africa so dangerous that American military and security personnel literally could not accompany him.”

    Must be Cape Town. The buffalo’s a dead giveaway (ehem).

    So where you guys gonna base Africa Command, (AFRICOM) Frank? South Africa? Not advisable in my book. This place is a far tougher neighborhood than Mogadishu. Mind you, don’t worry about it. seeing as he’s here, I’ll tell Bill direct.

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