Hi Liz! The word “listics” came first… like cannibalistic, socialistic,. pugilistic, supercalifragilistic and what-not. But “listics” sort of rhymes with “lipsticks” and I needed a logo, a brand concept, and I thought “messages written in lipstick on the mirror of your mind,” but I gave up on that slogan because it is kind of out there — but I hung onto the image, and you know, the older I get the harder it is to sort out my yin from my yang or my yahootie for that matter. I would probably send a more masculine message with a picture of cowboy in a Stetson and leather chaps swinging a rope, but what would that have to do with “listics?”
Steve, I’ll probably compare Qumana 3.0 and Rocketpost and then decide… unless I find something even better! I’ll certainly report here in boring detail what drives my decision.
Good luck… several of us have experienced extreme bugginess with Rocketpost and non-existant support. And once you part with your $99, well… that’ll be the last time you hear from them.
I’ll be interested to see what is worth paying for. Qumana is so good for Free!
Happy Easter, friend. I’ve been late/unreliable on the tagging front. Sigh.
And I forgot to ask, why the lipstick in the logo? What is up with that? Are you getting in touch with your inner woman?
Hi Liz! The word “listics” came first… like cannibalistic, socialistic,. pugilistic, supercalifragilistic and what-not. But “listics” sort of rhymes with “lipsticks” and I needed a logo, a brand concept, and I thought “messages written in lipstick on the mirror of your mind,” but I gave up on that slogan because it is kind of out there — but I hung onto the image, and you know, the older I get the harder it is to sort out my yin from my yang or my yahootie for that matter. I would probably send a more masculine message with a picture of cowboy in a Stetson and leather chaps swinging a rope, but what would that have to do with “listics?”
Steve, I’ll probably compare Qumana 3.0 and Rocketpost and then decide… unless I find something even better! I’ll certainly report here in boring detail what drives my decision.
Good luck… several of us have experienced extreme bugginess with Rocketpost and non-existant support. And once you part with your $99, well… that’ll be the last time you hear from them.