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  • by Frank Paynter on January 29, 2025

    Ronni Bennett points to the Beast’s fifty most loathsome people in america (2005).  Check out number four… YOU are on the list, right above George W. Bush:

    Simply put, the stupidest man ever to lead this country. Bush’s lobotomized Will Rogers routine is a satirist’s dream, a European intellectual’s caricature of the dipshit cowboy American, all balls and no brains. Often responds to questions by attempting to define the word he finds the most challenging in them. Thinks press reports of his various crimes are responsible for his waning popularity, rather than the deeds themselves. Interprets the constitution like a Unitarian interprets the bible; for maximum convenience and with no regard to the actual text. Foreign policy vision is less serious and more simplistic than an issue of Captain America.

    { 2 comments… read them below or add one }

    Brian 01.29.06 at 11:08

    It’s cute but no one is going to see themselves as ‘you’ - at least no one who needs to.

    Take me for instance, - I’ve got some weak spots and things to work on but none of my vices are the ones listed.

    A Alexander Stella 01.30.06 at 1:57

    okay, let’s say you’d like to learn about an actual political campaign to impeach the president …

    ah, none of this noise about a yearning for somebody to go do it …

    in addition, you’d like to learn about a game plan to snag Osama …

    if all the above meets with your approval, then click, somehow, on the following hyperlink:


    and get ready for a ride on a wild blog

    .he who is known as sefton

    oh, yes, the above was copied and then pasted by an actual human being, who visited your “sandy” blog.

    oh, one more thing, keep an eye on Pennsylvania’s 10th Congressional District … I’m trying to base my campaign on the three planks I nailed together in my platform … “impeach bush” is the first plank … the second is “impeach bush” … and the third is like the second, “impeach bush”.

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