No Taste!

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  • by Frank Paynter on January 24, 2025

    Jeneane and RageBoy have been on the ElimiTaste bandwagon for a while now.  ElimiTaste rewards its customers for referrals by providing free gum.  What a rush — the mailman comes to the door and dumps a fifty pound bag of chewing gum on the front porch.  You got your Zapp! chewing gum for people with bad taste, and you got your Smoke Screen, for people who taste bad.

    During the free give-away this weekend, I ordered up the Zapp!  Now, just a few days later, I’m fondling the pack of Xylitol sweetened, titanium dioxide whitened, carnauba wax enhanced gum arabic lozenges with natural minty flavor.  This is the life.

    If you go there and order some gum, they’ll give me a pack free.  Pretty soon my mailman will grow stoop shouldered from hauling all the chewing gum to my door.

    I think I can say without fear of contradiction that this is one minty freshness that won’t flavor fade on your bedpost overnight.

    Look out Mr. Wrigley.

    { 1 comment… read it below or add one }

    jeneane 01.24.06 at 10:26

    Frank you are the epitome of great taste; still, I’m pretty sure Zapp cures sinus infections–(not yet FDA approved). RB’ banking on an emphasema stop-gap measure….

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