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  • by Frank Paynter on January 17, 2025

    Stowe’s new site, recent wit and wisdom from Rage Boy, and the incredible role modeling of Ronni Bennett have inspired me again to move forward with the listics project. 

    Stowe is starting from ground zero at /Message.  He has a clean design, a reasonable ad volume, and a professional voice.

    Chris has been blogging this way and that.  His Mystic Bourgeoisie project seems to have the shape of a book emerging.  It’s a spot where Rage Boy seldom ventures and Chris holds forth on a complex research project that is leading him (and us) into a deeper understanding of the anti-human roots of a lot of human culture.  Meanwhile, he’s working out technical details at a site called beggars choice.  There’s not much that holds a candle to today’s screen test posting.

    And then there’s Ronni.  I read at Stowe’s site that "The Blog Herald" had been sold and I thought of Ronni.  She’s carved an important niche in blog journalism with her warm and considerate focus on aging at Time Goes By.  It’s the kind of site that could be packaged for resale any time because of the consistent topicality and the attraction of the subject matter to an aging boomer population.  Of course, since the value is all Ronni all the time, the purchaser would be faced with a bit of a problem.  Anyway, it’s not for sale.  Discussing the Blog Herald deal Ronni said, "I’m nowhere near ready to give up Time Goes By. I’m just gettin’ started…"

    Hey Ronni Bennett and RageBoy both sign their emails RB.  I wonder if Stowe Boyd would consider changing his name to Roger?

    Anyway, thanks to RB for pointing out the value of Rollyo.  Looks like just the thing to serve as a listics foundation stone.  I’ll be rolling my own again soon, I think.

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