Who’s the fuggup?

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  • by Frank Paynter on January 14, 2025

    Times like this it seem’s appropriate to assign responsibility.  Lance Smith (what a burden, fighting out from under the onerous appelation "Lance") seems to be the big doggie in charge of the Predator system, but my money is on Big John Abizaid as the guy who ought to answer for the deaths of the Pakistanis in today’s missile attack on Pakistan.

    The MQ-1 Predator carries the Multi-spectral
    Targeting System with inherent AGM-114 Hellfire missile targeting
    capability and integrates electro-optical, infrared, laser designator
    and laser illuminator into a single sensor package.

    So who brought the hellfire down on the Pakistan village?  My money’s on Big John… earned his spurs on Grenada, a Harvard man, a Hoover Institution man.  Some  Israelis hope he can be President of the US. 

    If it was more civilian deaths to no tactical or strategic advantage, responsibility becomes blame.  But what if he did nail al-Zawahri with the Predator guided missile?   I still don’t like it.  Working for George W. Bush is a personal compromise.  Every death in this war is wrongful.  al-Zawahri is a criminal and should be brought to trial. Until we can shed the fear that requires us to make enemies of these assholes, we are little better than they are.

    Nazification focused on "das Heimat," the "homeland."  When BushCo brought that "homeland" label forward our national interest was severely compromised.  Are our men in uniform compromised by their mission?

    { 3 comments… read them below or add one }

    Tamar 01.15.06 at 6:26

    Now *that’s* what I’m talking about:
    “Until we can shed the fear that requires us to make enemies of these assholes, we are little better than they are.”
    and my answer is YES! to this:
    “When BushCo brought that “homeland” label forward our national interest was severely compromised. Are our men in uniform compromised by their mission?”

    Thank you for this piece, Frank.

    Dean Landsman 01.16.06 at 7:53

    Der Homeland is where der bush burns somewhere around Crawford in the Reich of Texas. Crawford Uber Alles, right? And if that upsets you, expect a visit from the office of Hermann Cheney. His emmisary will send you off to, heh heh, “camp.”

    fp 01.16.06 at 8:46

    Ahhh yes… das burning bush, deep in the Reich of Texas… Crawfish uber alles.

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