Invitation to a Snark Fest

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  • by Frank Paynter on January 10, 2025

    Three weeks from now the vile usurper will deliver another State of the Union Address.  Some pinko dog democrat fund raising group that has my email address suggested that the occasion be used for house parties by the disloyal opposition.  It seems to me like a good time for an IRC gathering, a time to unite the good and true people in the blogosphere in hilarious and snarky opposition to the illiterate schmuck with his thumb on the button of America’s nukuler arsenal.  Laptops and living rooms, wifi and virtual high fives every time the boob chokes on a pretzel.


    { 1 comment… read it below or add one }

    Tamar 01.11.06 at 7:15

    Hey! I’m *so* in. Although only recently have I mastered the art of a true blue “high 5.”

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