Ariel Sharon, Sabra, Shatila, and the Wall

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  • by Frank Paynter on January 7, 2025

    A friend forwarded an email with this link.  He says, "Whether Sharon lives or dies..this is how I will remember him."

    Four years ago in North Carolina I heard about the wall from some people who had been booted out of Israel because UN employees and NGO staff were no longer welcome.  Over the next few years the wall became more and more of a reality, until today it is fixed in the minds of the Sharon government as a 425 mile separation barrier that defines Israel’s broder with a future Palestinian state.

    There is some hope that the Israeli democracy will put a stop to the jack-booted thuggery of Sharon’s mob, but the existence of the wall itself is a barrier to reconciliation.

    { 6 comments… read them below or add one }

    Stu Savory, Germany 01.07.06 at 11:47

    Doesn’t the US have a wall between itself and Mexico?

    fp 01.07.06 at 1:11

    Mexico’s northern border has been pretty much agreed upon for the last hundred and fifty years or so… since the shameful treaty of Guadalupe-Hildago in 1848 and the Gadsden purchase in 1852. 80,000 or so Mexicans became “Americans” through this exercise. There is today a pretty solid border control mechanism on both sides of the border that includes heavy fencing at the major crossing areas, but of course the thousands of miles of thinly settled land between San Diego, California and Brownsville, Texas has no wall, no check-points.

    So, I’m not sure I get your point, Stu. United States expansionism continues today under the guise of global corporatism, but these days - due to the corporate market model - the good old boys from IG Farben, Siemens and Krupp and their ilk have some skin in the game.

    Stu Savory, Germany 01.07.06 at 2:06

    I was merely pointing out that it is difficult to decry a wall when one has one oneself; we’ve gotten out of the situation, thogh some wish we hadn’t :wry grin:

    Another point is that the mere existence of a ‘democracy’ does not ‘put a stop to jack-booted thuggery’ as Dubya’s foreign policy adequately demonstrates.

    fp 01.07.06 at 4:51

    As the right wing Republicans are always quick to point out, the US does not claim to be a democracy, rather a constitutional republic or some such twaddle.

    Tamar 01.08.06 at 10:48

    “Whether Sharon lives or dies..this is how I will remember him.”

    … me too.

    fp 01.08.06 at 11:21

    Glad to hear from you on this, Tamar. And I like your new blog name!

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