Number Three with a Bullet!

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  • by Frank Paynter on January 4, 2025

    Sandhill Trek surfaces as one of the best read blogs in the highly competitive Madison market.  Author "Fred" Paynter says, "I’m honored, and next year we will really give Paul Soglin a run for his money.  Take that Ann Althouse!"

    { 11 comments… read them below or add one }

    Jesse 01.04.06 at 12:58

    I fixed it. You are back to your real name. Sorry about that.

    Dane101 01.04.06 at 1:01

    Top 5 of ‘05: Most read blogs

    Favorite Blogs

    1. Paul Soglin :: Waxing America
    2. Eating in Madison A to Z
    3. Sandhill Trek
    4. Badger Blues
    5. Marginal Utility

    This category was an interesting experience for Between the end of October and the start of Januar

    Stu Savory, Germany 01.04.06 at 1:56

    Congratulations, Frank.

    BTW, you’ve been on MY blogroll since day 1.

    Keep up the good work :-)

    JmSR 01.04.06 at 2:21

    Congrats from Madison A to Z. It’s good to keep good company.

    Tamar 01.04.06 at 5:47

    Congratulations, Frank. What fun! Well deserved!

    fp 01.04.06 at 6:52

    Thanks everyone. In fact, Ann Althouse has the most read blog in Madison, although there may not be as many Madisonians interested in her rightist perspectives as there are interested in the restaurant reviews at Madison A-Z. Dabe101 is a noble effort at local web publiching and I wish it continued success! (Thanks for correcting name typo too, Jesse).

    madame l. 01.05.06 at 5:54

    can i be barney? or ethel?

    fp 01.05.06 at 5:57

    What a great offer!

    brian moffatt 01.05.06 at 8:44

    Well done Fred.

    Bobbie 01.05.06 at 10:36

    Congratulations, Frank.

    Didn’t I tell you that you were finally coming into your own and receiving your due, if not acclaim?

    And i barely know what a blog is.

    And i didn’t know soglin had one

    Gary Turner 01.05.06 at 2:44

    I voted for Southern Faggott.

    Congrats all the same.

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