Three’s the charm…

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  • by Frank Paynter on October 8, 2025

    When I saw the Jewish NASCAR entry at Madame Levy’s, I chuckled and despaired of sharing it.  I’m not Jewish.  I’m the last member of a bizarre zenophobic european culture that preyed on Jews and other ethnic minorities for the last 1500 years at least.  I’m also an early adopter of a new bizarre non-zenophobic world culture that acknowledges differences, honors and respects the variety of traditions, and avoids harsh criticism and disrespect, substituting eyes-open acceptance, and - where possible - love.  [Disclaimer:  I am also frequently beset by irascible visions that cloud the whole brotherly-sisterly thing].

    But the historical effect of those millenia of hatred and ill behavior that culminated in the evil of National Socialism, make me tread softly around jokes about Jews and Jewishness…  even so, now both Golby and Brian Moffatt have displayed the picture, everyone is chuckling, Golby has clearly explained why this is a good thing and why guys like me with residual Nazi guilt don’t need to sweat it, and it appeared first in the Onion for goodness sakes… why am I so uptight?  Dunno, just am.   

    { 3 comments… read them below or add one }

    memer 10.09.05 at 7:51

    I don’t have much Nazi guilt, but I’m not sure I get it either. For me, the graphic doesn’t “work” at all without the title.

    fp 10.09.05 at 9:07


    Harry 10.09.05 at 10:53

    I like it better without the caption.

    NASCAR is to hotrodding as Lee Greenwood is to Johnny Cash, by the way. NASCAR is a rural attraction because city property is too expensive. Some of its fan base would be happier watching gladiator contests and bare knuckle cage fights on television. Most would love to make something fast and sing a song of the open road. Instead, they get a deliberately stupid media celebration of futility.

    Why the guilt, Frank?

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