The Compleat Troller

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  • by Frank Paynter on July 28, 2025

    "John C. Dvorak is one of the most interesting, informative and entertaining journalists in the history of the computer business. He is also something of a troll." So said Doc Searls yesterday in a post at the IT Garage. Dvorak, thought by many to be merely outré and clueless and by others to be pop computing’s gadfly, had taken off on creative commons, a topic that many treat with religious respect.

    Dvorak tilts only with the largest windmills and I am not in his league. I won’t argue with what he says about the religion of the commons or it’s high priest, the estimable Lessig of Stanford. When Dvorak came out against Apple’s mouse I didn’t utter a peep, and I only mumbled protestations when he debunked blogging as a passing fad of interest only to the terminally introspective. Dvorak is sometimes a fun read because of his contrarian posture of indifference to what’s trendy, his resilience in the face of criticism, and his willingness to make an ass of himself day-in and day-out for a writer’s wages and an insider’s reputation. I would never argue with John Dvorak.

    The word "troll" is both a noun and a verb. Used as a noun, one pictures a fearsome creature beneath a bridge with perhaps some billy goats above seeking passage across. When used as a verb, "troll" evokes images of slow moving boats on placid waters, waiting for a big fish to strike at the bait. To say or even imply that Dvorak is a troll goes too far I think. No, I think it’s fair to say that Dvorak the journalist trolls like a professional fisherman trolls, and when Doc rises up to comment… well he’s the catch of the day!

    { 5 comments… read them below or add one }

    Harry 07.28.05 at 7:57

    You’re a wicked man, Frank.

    fp 07.28.05 at 8:27

    Thank you, Harry.

    John C. Dvorak 07.29.05 at 2:42

    Hey….even I thought this was funny!!!

    fp 07.29.05 at 9:39

    Glad you liked it, John!

    Scratchings 07.29.05 at 10:41

    Why Is Frank Paynter Cool?

    See for yourselves. He really is that cool.

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