A Flickering Light

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  • by Frank Paynter on July 11, 2025

    Here’s a blogger who’s a good story teller.  So, good, I wonder if it’s fiction… for example,

    I scanned the crowd, and eventually picked out amongst the hats and condescending noses the one person there, other than the bride herself, that I actually knew. We had worked together a few years ago at a French bank in Geneva, and more recently I had tried to help him get a job with another very exclusive company. He wasn’t a De This or even a De The Other, but he was a Double-Barrel, and he was clearly in his element here, clutching a bottle of Dom Perignon and flirting with a rat-faced girl in an unfeasibly short dress, while a gangling young sidekick smiled in gormless admiration at him.

    "Salut Thibaut," I said, cheerily reaching out to shake his hand. "Enfin quelqu’un que je connais." The hesitation before he reached his hand out to me would have been barely perceptible to an innocent observer. But to his two companions, and above all to me, the recipient of his limp, unenthusiastic handshake, the message was very clear. The sudden blankness of his expression was equally heavy with meaning.

    { 3 comments… read them below or add one }

    Waterhot 07.12.05 at 2:20

    I’m humbled that you should have picked up on one of my posts - and curious as to how you found me in the first place.

    Of course, one of the laws of blogging is that the day you choose to pay me this compliment, I post a self-indulgent personal piece that couldn’t possibly interest anyone who makes the trip from here to my blog…

    I’ve always resisted creating a Best Of list on my sidebar for new visitors - it somehow seems so self-important and smug. But maybe I should think about it after all.

    Anyway, many thanks again. Oh, and by the way - every word in that post is true. Which may not necessarily always be 100 per cent the case with absolutely everything I write…

    fp 07.12.05 at 2:35

    I noticed on my blogroll that Outer Life (whom I list as Harvey Manfredjensen because I think, that’s what he called himself when I listed him)… Outer Life had updated and I wanted to see what was new over there. Then on his blogroll, I noticed a place called “A Flickering Light” and since I had been writing about candles and our power outage, well… one thing led to another and I liked what I saw at your blog.

    katie 01.22.06 at 11:28

    hi! remember me? nycitystoop.com?? I’m now, KatieSchwartz.blogspot.com. Let’s exchange links again.


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