yeah, but do you like Paul McCartney?

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  • by Frank Paynter on July 8, 2025

    You Are 48% American
    America: You don’t love it or want to leave it.
    But you wouldn’t mind giving it an extreme make over.
    On the 4th of July, you’ll fly a freak flag instead…
    And give Uncle Sam a sucker punch!

    { 6 comments… read them below or add one }

    Stu Savory 07.08.05 at 1:24

    It said I’m 24%,
    and added “You’re as American as Key Lime Tofu Pie
    Otherwise known as un-American!
    You belong in Cairo or Paris…
    Get out fast - before you end up in Gitmo!”

    Whatever happened to diversity of opinions there?

    fp 07.08.05 at 3:26

    I’m guessing you answered in the negative regarding your ownership of the stars and stripes, and the public display of same on (USian) national holidays. We have room for diversity of opinion regarding gun ownership, but don’t mess with Old Glory, the Stars and Stripes, aka “the Red, White, and Blue,” Liberty’s Banner, yes I’m talking about the American Flag.

    I’m guessing Sonny would agree.

    Doug Alder 07.08.05 at 7:07

    Damn they must have suckered me on some question because I ….shudder….. came in at 28%. I need a shower :-) (no offence to my american friends)

    fp 07.08.05 at 7:37

    It rubs off on you, but the relative distance doesn’t seem to have a huge effect. Stu only improved on your score by 4% and he’s thousands of miles further from the border. (I think the German influence actually boosts the americanism quotient these days though).

    Peter (the other) 07.09.05 at 12:44

    That is an interesting statement about the German effect. I have been keeping a bit of an eye on the barrage of disinformation about Germany and France from the likes of FT, Economist, WSJ and more. Its effect seems to be the steering of proper socialistic tendencies towards a more US/UK model capitalism. My fear, I hear too many French and Germans buying the line.

    Oh, I better go put some tin foil on my head.

    (I refuse to take the test)

    What does that make me (that doesn’t start with an a)?

    Thought Patterns 07.09.05 at 8:45

    Okay. Sure. Uh…

    Not exactly sure what this means but… why the hell not?

    You Are 39% American

    America: You don’t love it or want to leave it.
    But you wouldn’t mind giving it an extreme make over.
    On the 4th of July, you’ll fly a freak fla…

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