Daily Double

  • el
  • pt
  • by Frank Paynter on July 7, 2025

    No trifecta for today for Senor el Presidente Klutzo Bush…  but he won the daily double when al Qaeda attacked London.


    Suspicions have been raised that al Qaeda is a deep cover black ops group controlled by the White House.  There is some concern among allies that el Presidente’s media fluffers would call down a terrorist attack on London to avoid the double embarrassment relating to the US G8 positions on global warming and impoverished nations, and the fact that el Klutzo fell off his bicycle again.  But as George W. said this morning, "Whatever works!"

    { 2 comments… read them below or add one }

    Tamar 07.08.05 at 5:20

    Just before 9/11, in South Africa, a world forum against racism was taking place. A very close friend of mine (both of us were raised in Zimbabwe - then Rhodesia) was attending an NGO meeting in Durban. It just occured to me as I read this post. I wonder if anyone remembers that forum?

    This is what she e-mailed me a few days before 9/11:
    “We white westerners are not racists because we wish ill toward people different from us but because we have benefited from a racist system which has advantaged us on the plunder and profits made by the West over the last centuries, that we continue to make and regard as rightfully ours. Growing up in Zimbabwe, I as a white child had sums spent on my education 14 times greater than the sum spent on a black child. That is one way to quanity my debt, and now I can work out how to use my wealth, education and privilege to promote basic human rights for everyone, especially the right to self-determination. Every act of solidarity with the oppressed is a step forward.” (Jan Delacourt)

    Bruce 07.08.05 at 8:01

    hmmm…so the GWOT is flagging, other priorities might gain momentum, and so what the PTBs needed was an attack. And they got it. Yep. And no less than Fox News would seem to agree:

    KILMEADE: …I think that works to our advantage, in the Western world’s advantage, for people to experience something like this together, just 500 miles from where the attacks have happened.

    VARNEY: It puts the Number 1 issue right back on the front burner right at the point where all these world leaders are meeting….


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