16th March 2005

One Year Old


Happy Birthday Molly Bloom!

Born 3/17/2004 at JnD’s Australian Shepherds, Slinger, Wisconsin.  Practically housebroken and seldom chews shoes unless she finds them unattended on the floor.  Favorite activities include running like a wild girl through the horse pasture and finding excellent things to roll in, splashing through the spring, guarding the house by barking at any deer that might go ghosting past in the middle of the night, and playing with her stuffed toys and a squeaky plastic pizza.  She claims she’s not a frisbee junkie, that she can stop anytime.  She generally does after only forty or fifty tosses. 

This entry was posted on Wednesday, March 16th, 2025 at 9:46 and is filed under Cat Pictures, Food, and Travel. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 15 responses to “One Year Old”

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  1. 1 On March 16th, 2025, Shelley said:

    What a beautiful dog she’s grown to be. Just gorgeous. And she has such a sweet face.

  2. 2 On March 16th, 2025, Stu Savory said:

    Sounds like a fun pup, Frank. I wish you both many many frisbees :-) Sadly our bitch died last month (see blog) so we’re rather weepy now, but looking forward to a new pup in July :-)

  3. 3 On March 17th, 2025, fp said:

    My god Stu! You have been writing up a storm! Sorry about the loss of your bitch. Dogs are such sweet reminders of love and mortality.

    Remember that dog on a skateboard clip? Molly does that with the plastic disk on the snow. She runs and plants her front feet in the dish and slides away downhill, using the rear paws like skis or runners. She loves it.

  4. 4 On March 17th, 2025, RageBoy said:

    Ah, to be young again!

  5. 5 On March 17th, 2025, Sailingkiwi said:

    Molly is amazing!

  6. 6 On March 17th, 2025, roberta said:

    Molly Bloom is beautiful, and sounds very happy. Congratulations. I had Aussies on the farm when I was a kid in So Dakota. Thought I wanted one again, but ended up adopting a mixed breed (yellow lab & golden retriever that actually looks like a small Rhodesian Ridgeback sometimes) named “Buttercup”, now 19 mos old. (I tried to rename her — Bella, Beatrice, Brenda, Audrey, Daphne, etc., but “Buttercup” stuck.)Yes, Miss Molly is gorgeous!

  7. 7 On March 17th, 2025, madame l said:

    so cute she is! & so well named;) i still have a puppy picture of her and beth amongst pics of my kids. have to keep it somehow. looking forward to stu’s new puppy.

  8. 8 On March 17th, 2025, madame l said:

    uhm, 6:17pm here btw.

  9. 9 On March 17th, 2025, bobbie said:

    Frank, by the way, did you ever meet my dog Chloe? Black & White husky-shepherd lab mix who was my “daughter dog” from 1990 - 2025 (she was conveniently born next door my son’s first year in college, so I wasn’t “empty-nested” until she passed after surviving cancer for four years.) Anyway, Chloe was born on March 18th. I’ll always celebrate her. By the by, Joel’s new record has a great cover of the Led Zeppelin song by Jimmy Paige in tribute to a faithful canine (among the lyrics on the stomp, “Walking down a country lane, I’ll always call out your name”). It’s cut# 4 on the new CD “in Your Lonesome Town” from Bloodshot Records Check their website). I heard the song performed live last summer at the first annual Sugar River Music Festival in Madison. (I thought they wrote it, but it’s Zep!)

  10. 10 On March 17th, 2025, fp said:

    Leslie… the comments timestamp doesn’t know US Central time from Euro-time. Until we can get somebody to write us a script that converts Sandhill local time to commenter local time, we’re screwed and we’ll just have to do the conversion mentally. Mental Conversion… does that have anything to do with Blavatsky and all those people Locke is always going on about?

    Bobbie… I checked out the Bloodshot Records site and I have no clue which of those noms de tune is the real Joel Paterson. Please let me knwo who he is…

  11. 11 On March 18th, 2025, AF said:

    Bestill my heart. You must be very proud. My nephew and niece say they can stop any time too (link) ha!

  12. 12 On March 18th, 2025, fp said:

    AF - what a couple of sweet dogs! Boris and Tasha? Look out Rocky and Bullwinkle!

  13. 13 On March 20th, 2025, AF said:

    They are wonderful creatures. They sense when I’m in a mood and lick my face. We have to spell ‘w-a-l-k’ and ‘b-a-l-l’ but they’ve caught on - they flip out at mere mention of a ‘w’.

    Molly is a beauty, and so very clean :)

  14. 14 On March 20th, 2025, fp said:

    You should see her today after a walk across the field of melting snow and emerging mud… fairly clean after a lot of toweling with both wet and dry towels, but ready for a bath.

  15. 15 On April 6th, 2025, Janaki said:

    oh, to have a 1 year old niece!! She looks so eager to please. I hope her wedding doesn’t send you into a passport frenzy like Matt’s did.
    Oh. Maybe she won’t want to get married, since she’s… you know.

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