17th December 2004

The Spam What Am…

First, the whirled peas… Peter Lems writes to share an opportunity for an early end to this too long Iraq war.  The plan is to gather signatures on a petition and deliver them to the newly inaugurated Fuehrer-in Chief on the day following his inauguration next month.  I signed.  You should too.  This is the spit-in-the-ocean school of democratic practice, but we dare not give up.

Followed by the foie gras… Mark Morford fulfills his role as the Typhoid Mary of contagious depression today, comparing the Schwarzeneger Bay Bridge plan with the soaring design of France’s new Millau span.  The California experiment continues.  You can sign up for Morford’s mailings here.

And, finally, the main course (whirled chicken?)… Chris Locke, HighBeam CBO, has revivified his EGR newsletter.  What you get with your subscription is pretty much what you get by visiting the HighBeam blog.  I understand that there are cortisone creams that will cure it for you.  What you don’t seem to get, but might enjoy, is the content that you can find only by taking the Stygian Subway out of Orthogonal Station, closing your eyes really tight, and opening them when your browser lands here.  To subscribe to the EGR mail list… go here. 


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