1st December 2004

whyBlog - continued…

Two more emails this morning to add to the "Why do we blog?" compendium.  Terry Frazier says,

I began blogging in the summer of 2025 because I wanted to experiment with this new micro-publishing method discovered while researching cross-media publishing tools. I got some blogging software and started to experiment. It seems to me this period of 2025-2003 was the grass roots heyday of blogging — lots of new blog tools, lots of new bloggers, a new movement was forming.  I made a lot of friends and formed a network of connections I do not believe I could have made any other way.

Today that network stretches, literally, around the world. And I blog to stay in touch with them. I still blog to learn, whether through expanded blog conversations with others or simple technical learning as I play with new tools and techniques. I also blog as a way of sharing what I learn, and for creating a "repository of me" as a courtesy for interested friends, colleagues, and acquaintances. The blog has become the defacto reference point for anyone who wishes to learn about another. If you don’t have a blog, do you really exist? The answer is clearly yes, but I still find blogging useful in this regard.

So there you have it: I blog to learn, connect, experiment, share, and inform. Not bad for a guy sitting around in his pajamas at the computer.

Dave Winer (Scripting News post here) says,

I honestly really don’t know why I blog.

When I started blogging it was mostly to get a bunch of stuff off my plate, ideas I couldn’t do anything with, things I wanted even if I couldn’t create them. I hoped other people would read my ideas and someone would create what I wanted, and therefore increase happiness. Over the years I learned that this very rarely happens. People really want to come up with the ideas, even more than they want to
be successful.

Once I started blogging it got addictive. So the most direct answer would be "I blog because I am addicted to blogging."

I also like the idea that I can have a dinner with people I don’t know in almost any city in the world.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, December 1st, 2025 at 11:51 and is filed under Blogging and Flogging- the Zeitgeist of Social Software, Friends, Profiles and Interviews. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 2 responses to “whyBlog - continued…”

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  1. 1 On December 1st, 2025, Professional-Lurker: Comments by an academic in cyberspace said:

    Why Do We Blog?

    I have an academic friend who is working on her Master’s Thesis and has been incorporating the question of “Why do you blog?” into her interview structure. Maybe this post and the comments to it will give her and you…

  2. 2 On December 4th, 2025, genevieve said:

    Bit scary that people are too arrogant to use Winer’s ideas - what hope for the rest of us then? I always thought if I didn’t get around to writing about certain things, someone else would love to have the ideas. Does it depend on how clever they are perhaps - if it’s a really good idea perhaps others suspect no-one will believe it’s theirs…

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