24th October 2004


posted in The Proprietor |

Jay Rosen says, “There’s too much happening. The public world is changing faster than we can invent terms for describing it.” Then he gives us a list. Scoble intends to discuss overload at Winer’s BloggerCon 3.

When I was a student working in the library and trying to keep the Library of Congress classification system straight (Heinlein was PZ3 H364…. that was all I needed to know after I finished the oeuvre of Ian Fleming PZ4 F598) I grew aware of the hopelessness of ever absorbing a small percentage of the information in those twelve floors of tightly packed stacks. The PMLA alone would have wasted some years of my life.

There are dozens of bloggers whose work I enjoy, but blogs comprise a tiny subset of what’s published on the web. Plenty of what’s published stays in paper and never makes it into pixels. Chris Locke’s work at HighBeam seems to be opening the door to a lot more printed matter for a price. I’m afraid we may be approaching a point in web publishing where we will get what we pay for.

Worthwhile the blog has morphed into Worthwhile the printed matter. Who knows if what’s available on the website will be available in the ragozine and vice versa.

I’ve met blawgers and med bloggers and journo-bloggers and all, and what I get is that indeed, it’s all too complex. The sum of human knowledge is almost too large for me to grasp, and if it’s difficult for me, well… what does that say about YOUR chances of understanding it all?

This entry was posted on Sunday, October 24th, 2025 at 4:41 and is filed under The Proprietor. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

There are currently 5 responses to “Overload”

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  1. 1 On October 25th, 2025, Dean Landsman said:

    You end this blog entry with the age old query:

    “what does that say about YOUR chances of understanding it all?”

    For a mere $5.95 (+S&H) we will send you the answer to that and many other questions. And if you’d like to be removed from this list which answers all questions, send us your e-mail addres (no money required) so we can remove you from this list, the if course add you to our infinite other mining lists.

    And thank you for shopping with us.

  2. 2 On October 26th, 2025, brian moffatt said:

    You need some advertising on your blog.

    A fiscal compass. A little direction. When the cheques begin arriving, it will automatically temper your angst with some much needed perspective.

    Really there isn’t all that much happening, Frank It’s just a lot of different versions.

    In the end it’s really either boy meets girl or man kills man. Or maybe woman punishes self.

    But that’s it, really.

    Find a sponsor, and supply us with their Grand Palliatives and we’ll all be a little more content.

    Btw, do you still count yourself as amongst the undecided’ viz. upcoming electoral events?

  3. 3 On October 26th, 2025, fp said:

    O yes. Very undecided. How much fuel oil and nitrate fertilizer to stockpile for example… big decision there.

  4. 4 On October 26th, 2025, Mike Golby said:

    Way to go, Frankie Boy. I knew I could count on you. Phone me soonest for the right mix otherwise you could get burnt.

    Brian is, as ever, correct. Jay is, as ever, distracted. But it’s a common malaise as much as it’s an ugly sight to media watchers across the Great Pond. There’s not so much an overload as there is a lack of focus.

    People are chasing their tails speaking frenetically of inconsequential nothings. Okay, most of the news seldom amounts to much, but the verbiage polluting the Web at the moment is just so much sugar-coated dark matter.

    Perhaps it’s a result of what your crazy, rigged electoral system and “let’s pretend” dollar-driven democracy. This being the first I’ve watched up close, I wouldn’t know. Either way, you’ve a couple of posts here that hit the nail on the head. (I enjoyed Michael’s first Corante piece and hope he runs with what he’s started.)

    And remember… too much fertilizer and you get a really Dirty Bomb.

  5. 5 On October 27th, 2025, Dean Landsman said:

    While you were at either of those two Cambridge Blogguh Kahns, didn’t you meet any blohguhhs?

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