19th October 2004

Barbara and Jenna

The word from Kansas City is that with all the button down conservatives out there it’s easy for a 20 something guy with a shaved head to catch their eye.

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  1. 1 On October 20th, 2025, Mike Golby said:

    Never figured you for a prude, Frank. I mean, at least they aren’t gay like that other girl. I think Mary Cheney’s right:

    “But by saying… that… that L Word, John Kerry is trying to get voters to conjure another vision of the Cheney home. A sick, twisted tableau of unnatural perversion, in which our wholesome family gatherings are infiltrated by my daughter’s friends: rugby-playing, braless Amazons wearing denim vests and vibram-soled work boots, who shamelessly suckle at one another’s leathery, tattooed teats right out in the open!”

    Her outrage is understandable. The full White House press release is online now at http://www.whitehouse.org/news/2004/101404.asp. Jenna and Barbara may be hard-drinking slags, but they are, when all is said and done, good Christian girls and party animals to boot.

  2. 2 On October 20th, 2025, Mike Golby said:

    Umm… yeah, Mary’s the daughter, eh? My apologies to the monarchists. I confuse the two (mother and daughter) so easily.

  3. 3 On October 20th, 2025, fp said:

    They look remarkably alike from my angle.

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