13th October 2004


posted in The Proprietor |

Seasonal Affective Disorder. It’s sad, really.

And regarding these aching joints, would one rather feel this way because one is suffering lyme disease, or because one is old?

This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 13th, 2025 at 7:27 and is filed under The Proprietor. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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  1. 1 On October 13th, 2025, Mike Golby said:

    Because one is old? I dunno… tell me.

    On a more serious note, Frank, it’s the weather. I happened to be in the Madison area the other day and I noted a morning temperature of around 1 degree Celsius. Good God, man, no wonder your joints are packing up. Cape Town’s just hit spring and we’re basking in a steady 28 degrees Celsius.

    Hmm… these are cold and dark days indeed. I hope it warms up by November and you get some joy kicking the little f***** out of office.

  2. 2 On October 13th, 2025, fp said:

    You prick. You were nearby and didn’t call? You never send me flowers anymore either.

  3. 3 On October 13th, 2025, ARJ said:

    It’s an indisputable fact that I can not wake up at a decent time in the morning when it is cold and dark.

    Fortunately, our spring turned out with 3-bloody-8 degree weather yesterday. I woke up fine in the morning but after lunch time I was ready for a siesta. Sheesh. Thank goodness for air conditioning.

  4. 4 On October 14th, 2025, Dean Landsman said:

    Gee, what if one is both old and suffering from Lyme Disease?

    FWIW, I noticed that yesterday was the first time this season that the heat kicked in. It may be a very old building, yes . . . but that automatic thermostat remains reliable!

    Creek, creek, go both the joints and the radiators.

  5. 5 On October 14th, 2025, brian moffatt said:

    Anyone who claims this to be their favorite time of the year would more than likey enjoy the catheterization of their nether regions.

    Deep February has more appeal.

    But then I suffer from seasonal anger disorder.

    Golby, I’m moving to Cape Town. Can you get me a job there? I have no marketable or transferbale skills, but I do love the hot weather.

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