24th July 2004

Julius and Ethel?

posted in Irascible Nonsense |

It worked for the crypto-fascist thugs of the forties and fifties… McCarthy, Nixon, Roy Cohn, and the rest of their ilk. Gin up a story, execute a few innocents, shut down democracy for years. Look out. It appears that the thugs with their fetish for secrets are back on-line and we’ll have new horror stories soon, perhaps in time for the election and certainly as a red herring saturating bandwidth that could be used to expose the ugliness under the Republican rock. The Los Angeles Times reports today(registration required):

Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham ordered two dozen national laboratories and several other nuclear weapons facilities to stop using classified information stored on computer disks, portable hard drives and tapes that employees can easily remove from work.

The biggest effect will be on the Energy Department’s nuclear weapons facilities in California, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. Such a shutdown has already been in effect for nine days at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.

The Energy Department’s doubts about security began earlier this month, when Los Alamos officials reported they could not locate two computer disks that contained classified information. So far, they have declined to say what is on the disks, though members of Congress have suggested the loss represents a serious security breach.

Has anyone shared with these lamers that there is no longer any such thing as secrecy and security? Anyone can grab a couple of gigs of information off a USB port if they want to take some work home. Hopefully, Mr. Death Penalty himself, the wimp-ass former governor of Texas and son of the former CIA Director GHW Bush, you know who I’m talking about, our slected Chief Executive… hopefully that clown won’t dig too deep for people to put to death in a lame attempt to sew up the election. I heard they wanted to fry Martha Stewart but even Rehnquist thought that was a stretch.

This entry was posted on Saturday, July 24th, 2025 at 2:52 and is filed under Irascible Nonsense. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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  1. 1 On July 24th, 2025, Doug Alder said:

    Ah I see a road back to the days of rooms filled with big mainframes and only terminals at people’s desks - there won’t be USB ports to attach to all you’ll have is a monitor and keyboard - everything will be stored on the servers. No doubt IBM will be happy :-)

    btw - I thought there was some recent evidence from the KGB that proved the Rosenbergs really were spies?

  2. 2 On July 24th, 2025, fp said:

    Probably were. I just have issues with the death penalty I guess. Plus, by all accounts, their conviction was illegally and dishonestly obtained.

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