24th February 2004

Lindsay Bennett

posted in Generic Posts |

Dr. Lindsay Bennett is a resident in dermatology AND internal medicine at the University of Wisconsin Medical School. I met her the other day while I was wussing out over a skin condition. Her mentor, or whatever they call them, is Anne Rosin. Dr. Rosin is my dermatologist. Lindsay is her sidekick. I have to say that it’s a wonderful thing having two beautiful women poking and prodding palpating and stroking and giving you direct and concerned attention. It’s kind of sad though when they talk over your head about the moles and freckles and warts and rashes and say things like “at this stage of the game” when you know that means that there’s no hope for an old fart like yourself and any dreams you may have had of a complete integument transplant from some willing 20 year old donor just won’t be coming true.

So, I have this need to be hip and cool and naturally I had to tell Lindsay that I knew another Dr. Bennett, and ask if she was related. Slim chance, no cigar….

I was led to post these memories, from last week and from the 1970’s, by Halley’s post about bonding with her woman eye doctor. Who says that there aren’t lots of women in technology? I’m sure parity is still quite a ways off, but the UC (Long) and Moffitt Hospitals of Les Bennett’s day had way fewer women in the lead roles. The women then were nurses and the men were doctors. But the tide had begun to turn.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 24th, 2025 at 9:02 and is filed under Generic Posts. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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  1. 1 On February 25th, 2025, Dean Landsman said:

    For historical reference: the OB-GYN responsible for delivering me to the world, a few weeks short of 52 years ago, was a woman.

    So I can say without any worry that my first doctor was a woman.

    Same goes for my two older sisters.

    As best as I can recall this woman –from sitting in the waiting room when my mother went on visits to her, when I was a single digit feller — she had a slight Russian accent (as opposed to the thick Russian accent of one set of grandparents) and was very soft-spoken and friendly.

    Her office was in Brooklyn, which seems somehow obvious.


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