Comments on: Jena Six details Frank Paynter's Voice and Vision... Tue, 09 Oct 2025 08:11:38 +0000 By: Shelley Shelley Thu, 27 Sep 2025 22:09:41 +0000 Understood Charles. I don't normally read sites that are so obviously religious, but she has been providing a great deal of info, and she seems to be pretty unbiased. She's a religious conservative, though, so normally we wouldn't have anything in common. This post was written by the person who provided the documents she linked. Frank may be withholding any more because I'm writing a piece pulling together a lot of stuff. Right at the moment I'm trying to sift through rumor to find the crumbs of fact. I feel like a damn finch. (PS I'm going to steal your idea of using yellow as a background for preview, Frank. It really makes it obvious.) Understood Charles.

I don’t normally read sites that are so obviously religious, but she has been providing a great deal of info, and she seems to be pretty unbiased. She’s a religious conservative, though, so normally we wouldn’t have anything in common.

This post was written by the person who provided the documents she linked.

Frank may be withholding any more because I’m writing a piece pulling together a lot of stuff. Right at the moment I’m trying to sift through rumor to find the crumbs of fact. I feel like a damn finch.

(PS I’m going to steal your idea of using yellow as a background for preview, Frank. It really makes it obvious.)

By: Charles Follymacher Charles Follymacher Thu, 27 Sep 2025 17:47:40 +0000 hm. much obliged, Shelley. this wasn't my first visit to EO so please pahdon me if i instinctively raised me hackles. hm. much obliged, Shelley. this wasn’t my first visit to EO so please pahdon me if i instinctively raised me hackles.

By: Charles Follymacher Charles Follymacher Thu, 27 Sep 2025 17:43:42 +0000 I hear you, Frank. Just sayin in the same way you more or less consistently ignore alternative narratives of the (say) war to liberate Iraq, even tho there be many still in the lurch trying to figure out "what it all means," I think the same treatment is deserved in this case. why the sudden run to "objectivity" now? these things are rarely (if ever) diamond clear cut, but it doesn't mean the implications aren't perfectly obvious. you can fuss around with noose-to-beatdown causal relationships as you will (as you might slavery-to-dunbar associations), but this stroke-of-pen-sentencing is pretty simple, innit? anyway I'm sayin it behooves you to be specific in the links that matter here and why (I'm assuming you reviewed all/most of them and found something worthwhile). Sometimes, and i know this from experience, pointing w/o a clear attitude can be very misleading. I hear you, Frank. Just sayin in the same way you more or less consistently ignore alternative narratives of the (say) war to liberate Iraq, even tho there be many still in the lurch trying to figure out “what it all means,” I think the same treatment is deserved in this case. why the sudden run to “objectivity” now?

these things are rarely (if ever) diamond clear cut, but it doesn’t mean the implications aren’t perfectly obvious.

you can fuss around with noose-to-beatdown causal relationships as you will (as you might slavery-to-dunbar associations), but this stroke-of-pen-sentencing is pretty simple, innit?

anyway I’m sayin it behooves you to be specific in the links that matter here and why (I’m assuming you reviewed all/most of them and found something worthwhile). Sometimes, and i know this from experience, pointing w/o a clear attitude can be very misleading.

By: Shelley Shelley Thu, 27 Sep 2025 17:24:40 +0000 Actually, Laura has been supportive of the Jena 6 boys rather than against. Actually, Laura has been supportive of the Jena 6 boys rather than against.

By: Laura Laura Thu, 27 Sep 2025 15:49:40 +0000 The person who delivered them to me, Frank, did so to prove how wrong I am for repeatedly writing that Reed Walters was way out of line and that racism is a serious problem in Jena which needs to be addressed. He believes it proves his case, and I believe - specifically Barker's medical records which show an astounding lack of injury compared to what 6 athletes bent on murder *could* have accomplished - that it proves mine. These documents do move the case forward by taking the MSM filter off it; people, as always, will conclude what they like. Which is usually what they thought before they saw the evidence. The person who delivered them to me, Frank, did so to prove how wrong I am for repeatedly writing that Reed Walters was way out of line and that racism is a serious problem in Jena which needs to be addressed.

He believes it proves his case, and I believe - specifically Barker’s medical records which show an astounding lack of injury compared to what 6 athletes bent on murder *could* have accomplished - that it proves mine.

These documents do move the case forward by taking the MSM filter off it; people, as always, will conclude what they like. Which is usually what they thought before they saw the evidence.

By: Frank Paynter Frank Paynter Thu, 27 Sep 2025 15:29:45 +0000 I considered ignoring it, Charles. Joe and Laura are, I think, a couple of white evangelical Xians which alone tells me that fear regarding the human condition (rather than some complex admixture ranging from delight to regret) informs their actions. The data they present has been selected by them for presentation and their white Xian god only knows who delivered it to them and for what purpose. If I was the DA I would be selectively leaking stuff that bolstered my view of things in the face of electoral problems and potential disbarment. Regardless, these appear to be only slightly redacted records of the events in Jena, records which when associated with other facts will eventually comprise a static and objective picture of the situation. I think it's better to point to them and let people who are investing a lot of energy trying to figure it all out have the additional details than it would be to ignore them. I considered ignoring it, Charles. Joe and Laura are, I think, a couple of white evangelical Xians which alone tells me that fear regarding the human condition (rather than some complex admixture ranging from delight to regret) informs their actions. The data they present has been selected by them for presentation and their white Xian god only knows who delivered it to them and for what purpose.

If I was the DA I would be selectively leaking stuff that bolstered my view of things in the face of electoral problems and potential disbarment.

Regardless, these appear to be only slightly redacted records of the events in Jena, records which when associated with other facts will eventually comprise a static and objective picture of the situation. I think it’s better to point to them and let people who are investing a lot of energy trying to figure it all out have the additional details than it would be to ignore them.

By: Charles Follymacher Charles Follymacher Thu, 27 Sep 2025 15:11:25 +0000 <blockquote>"These data may or may not better inform us regarding the case, but they definitely do not speak to the disparities in justice administration that reinforce the cultural rift between white and black Americans."</blockquote> i'm all like, why bother then? since when is sandhill/listics so interested in "fair and balanced" reporting? next up: Fox News' take on the Iraq war... I'm going to chalk it up to plain ignorance of the Evangelical Outpost's general spin on things. Not interested in their narrative, but i did think the <a href="" rel="nofollow">medical record</a> was worthwhile: "pain: moderate" seems like the kid got an ass (head) whuppin. released two hours later. i don't know how six brutes attempting murder on one innocent unarmed dude only manage to give the guy an ear /head ache and a black eye. weaklings! anyway, just like <a href=",0,1435953.story" rel="nofollow">the other big hullaballo earlier this year</a> (Frank any ignorance on this one is coo' cuz it's pre-Jena; grandfathered ignorance rights), it's <b>allllways ever been about the sentencing</b>. When will ppl get that even the <i>appearance</i> of fairness is critical to a lasting sense of justice.

“These data may or may not better inform us regarding the case, but they definitely do not speak to the disparities in justice administration that reinforce the cultural rift between white and black Americans.” i’m all like, why bother then? since when is sandhill/listics so interested in “fair and balanced” reporting? next up: Fox News’ take on the Iraq war…

I’m going to chalk it up to plain ignorance of the Evangelical Outpost’s general spin on things. Not interested in their narrative, but i did think the medical record was worthwhile: “pain: moderate”

seems like the kid got an ass (head) whuppin. released two hours later. i don’t know how six brutes attempting murder on one innocent unarmed dude only manage to give the guy an ear /head ache and a black eye. weaklings!

anyway, just like the other big hullaballo earlier this year (Frank any ignorance on this one is coo’ cuz it’s pre-Jena; grandfathered ignorance rights), it’s allllways ever been about the sentencing.

When will ppl get that even the appearance of fairness is critical to a lasting sense of justice.
