Listics » buh bye “History may only rarely be written by the losers, but it is always written by the writers.” -- David Weinberger Fri, 08 Jul 2025 02:48:22 +0000 en hourly 1 Maverick? No, branded. Sun, 12 Oct 2025 19:56:34 +0000 Frank Paynter McCain's tombstone

quote by: John McCain
tombstone created with:

poster created with:
mashup by: RageBoy

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Life without JC Fri, 11 Jul 2025 19:34:57 +0000 Frank Paynter Blogger Jason McCabe Calacanis, no relation to Charles McCabe (and therefore of little interest to readers of this blog), announced today that he will retire from blogging. There is some speculation that his retirement is mandated by the pending sale of his bicycle powered steam-punk search engine “Aloha” to Microsoft.

Calacanis intends to maintain connections with web communities through an email list.

[tags]jason calacanis[/tags]

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George Carlin – In memoriam Mon, 23 Jun 2025 14:31:51 +0000 Frank Paynter seven words schtick here

more on that caca from wikipedia

wikipedia biographical article

[tags]george carlin, seven filthy words, fcc versus pacifica[/tags]

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The Trouble with Peeps Sun, 23 Mar 2025 13:59:39 +0000 Frank Paynter We had a little Easter basket on the dining room sideboard — jelly beans, a chocolate/coconut “nest,” a couple of large chocolate bunnies for ear nipping on an Easter afternoon, and of course a few Peeps. If I lived alone, there would be no Peeps in the basket, but Beth has a taste for them at a certain age, and so they are part of our annual tooth-decay ritual.

Imagine my surprise to learn that in the night a certain dog had stood on her hind feet and with what must have been heroically athletic tongue-work managed to enjoy a lot of the candy near the front of the basket. Casualties included the chocolate/coconut nest and two Peeps. The first Peep she must have pretty much inhaled, as they do. The second was found on the floor, bitten in half and discarded. Too much of a good thing, I wondered; or, more likely, Peeps are an acquired taste and even the dog hates them.

[tags]peeps, homies, dawg[/tags]

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Tech Bloggers Thu, 10 Jan 2025 03:49:02 +0000 Frank Paynter That big sucking sound you hear is the disappearance of Robert Scoble from the tech blogging scene. Don’t believe me? Count his posts. Ask yourself how “tech” are they these days? See what I mean? Gone. pfffft… no more Scoble. Okay, buh-bye, we’ll miss you and your excited ravings, Robert. Fortunately, the blogosphere abhors a vacuum, and coming up fast are two new faces in the tech blogging world. Mr. Steve Rubel, formerly some kind of marketing guy probably best remembered for dodging the ethics bullet in the Edelman/Wal-mart blog scandal has declared himself technoid, and a wonderful thing this is! Rubel says, “Tech bloggers (and I put myself squarely in this group)” have become lazy. Then he vows to mend his slackadaisical bovine ways. No longer will people seeking dry details about bits and bytes, speeds and feeds, chip-sets and semiconductor properties of rare earth elements need to consult with a boring old engineer who probably has adhesive tape mending the bow on his coke bottle glasses. Now we can tune in directly to the tech wizardry of the Long Island marketeer himself! Just as exciting, in my humble-humble-mumble-mumble, is the emergence of Loren Feldman (previously thought by many to be a satirist and social commentator) in the land of tech flogging and vlogging. Hey Scoble’s gone. Somebody has to do it! Watch here for his insightful comments on some new Mac Sushi database thingy, and then watch here for his corrections. Exciting stuff!

Okay. I have my tongue in cheek about Rubel. “Tech blogger,” my ass. But I think 1938 Media is really on to something. Keep up the good work Mr. Feldman.

[tags]how can we miss him if he won’t go away, say bye-bye to mr production values, say hello to the new kidz in town, lazy cows, bento boxing, apple sushi, Loren Feldman, Steve Rubel, Robert Scoble, bang, bang, interrobang[/tags]

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Android Mon, 12 Nov 2025 00:15:34 +0000 Frank Paynter

The Android SDK will be released Monday, 11/12. The iPhoners are struggling to keep up.

buh-bye iPhone. Hello Gphone.

[tags]fake steve jobs, do no weevils, gphone, hit the gspot[/tags]

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Washington DC, Halloween Wed, 31 Oct 2025 23:47:46 +0000 Frank Paynter I saw more skinny white dudes in shades wearing skinny black frock coats and pretending to be Neo than you could shake a stick at. I saw a waitress dressed like Annie Oakley who had me convinced. I saw a guy in a gorilla suit and a girl dressed like a gangster in some Warren Beaty movie, complete with short-skirted tailored pin striped suit and a fetching fedora. They were all out tonight. But the scariest costume I saw was this… I think he calls it “Young Republican Grows Up.” Sadly, the camera flash washed out the dark circles from under his eyes, but I think it caught the demonic fire in the eyes themselves pretty well.

[tags]power tie, brandy after brandy, self importance, the next generation[/tags]

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End of life Mon, 29 Oct 2025 01:05:16 +0000 Frank Paynter My friend said he wasn’t reading Scoble, Scobes, the Scobleizer, the Scobie-dobie dude. I asked him why. He said, I can’t fathom why I should. Why anybody would. I looked at something someone pointed to. Utter bilge. What world is this that people have time for Scoble?

Well, I think the following critical insights that the Bobbleizer burped today should prove my friend wrong. [UPDATE: I HAVE BEEN REMINDED THAT IRONY IS DEAD, THAT THE VAST MAJORITY OF READERS ARE SUCH CREDULOUS SHEEP THAT IT BEHOOVES ONE TO ENTER THE FORMAL DENIAL OF LITERAL INTENTION BEFORE PROCEEDING FROM THIS POINT. TO THAT END, THEN, LET ME SIMPLY SAY... NOT. The following actually CONFIRMS my friend's observation that little but meaningless drivel flows from the blog of Scoble.] Bob said,

1. Blogs have lost their humanity. Their weirdness. Instead we’ve become vehicles to announce new products and initiatives on.
2. We’ve gotten too caught up in the TechMeme games.
3. We’re bored. The interesting stuff is happening off blogs. This afternoon, for instance, I’m meeting Hugh Macleod and we’re just going to hang out in Palo Alto and have fun. Meet at the Apple store at 3 p.m. on University Ave.
4. Creative stuff and ideas and questions are getting spread out all over the place.

Anyway, hope you’re having a good weekend.

Actually, Bob, I’m having a weekend with some ups and downs. I’m in the kind of mood that I wouldn’t even be distracted by a vicarious fascination with the antics of Paris Hilton or Ozzy Osbourne. You might almost say that I’m “on teh[stet] rag.” I was sorry to hear about your company’s end-of-life crise though, Bob. I was perhaps not as upset as you were that a parody site would sound the death knell for your over-funded, under-conceived, video-yawn project. But a sense of humor and equanimity have never been strong points for you, if I’ve been reading your blog correctly, Bob. No, I would have to say that you take yourself too seriously. You lack a well developed sense of humor.

An important part of a developed sense of humor is the capacity to take yourself lightly, even though you may take your work or your problem very seriously. A sense of joy in being alive is an intimate component of the human will to live.

The phrase “end of life” has emerged with alarming frequency here. My dad will be 84 in a few weeks. He had a stroke on the 16th and his bowling buddies packed him in his car and sent him home. My apologies to anyone on US Highway 51 who had to hit the ditch to avoid the guy with the hemorrhagic condition and double vision that night. I called him that night and he said he wasn’t feeling well… hurt his leg bowling, he said. I stopped in to see him the next day and took him to the hospital. He had CAT scans, an MRI. He had suffered a hemorrhagic stroke, a bleeding deep in his brain. He was moved from the emergency room to the neurology intensive care floor. The neurology doctors took charge, a surgeon stood by, and after a few days they released him to less guarded care. On Monday he went into an inpatient rehabilitation program. Today I saw him climb two flights of stairs, then turn around and walk back down, unassisted. That’s the good news.

In the bad news column we have a few issues like dysphasia (he pulls some odd words out of the hat to express himself, he has trouble with names and family relationships) and his short term memory is spotty. He’s not reading and writing too well. He’d rather chew gum than brush his teeth. He’s more comfortable crawling into bed for a nap with his shoes on than taking them off and putting them back on.

We’re really hoping that over the next six months he recovers to the point that he’s functioning like a happy, healthy 84 year old. Time will tell. He has a great sense of humor, so I’m predicting a strong recovery. Sort of the opposite of the Podtech thing. Funny Videos | Funny Cartoons | Comedy Central

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Carrion luggage… Tue, 28 Aug 2025 23:50:12 +0000 Frank Paynter The trouble with over-packing is that you have to schlep all that stuff around with you on your journey.

(Darned state of war has eliminated the good old luggage lockers where for two-bits you could park a suitcase while you dithered away your layover time.  I sure wish we weren’t at war.  When the war is over will the “Department of Homeland Security” be dissolved?)

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Arts and Letters Sun, 12 Aug 2025 20:02:04 +0000 Frank Paynter Gee dad, it’s a Pulitzer!

… and sort of on the same level of things I missed because I just wasn’t paying enough attention:

National Underwear Day (It does, after all, evoke the care-free spirit of Sixties ‘happenings,’ when free spirits took control of public spaces as venues for their art…).

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