Comments on: Urge JoAnne Kloppenburg to request a manual recount “History may only rarely be written by the losers, but it is always written by the writers.” -- David Weinberger Tue, 15 May 2025 01:11:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: garywarner garywarner Thu, 21 Apr 2025 05:17:21 +0000 Mrs. Kloppenburg, I am just saying best of luck for recount of supreme court election. Mrs. Kloppenburg,

I am just saying best of luck for recount of supreme court election.

By: Frank Paynter Frank Paynter Wed, 20 Apr 2025 18:10:44 +0000 Dear Concerned American, I appreciate your comment here, and I hope you forward it to the JoAnne Kloppenburg campaign too. Let me suggest a way to make your voice heard more clearly. Your comment above is anonymous, and while I understand why some people would sometimes rather not reveal their identity in a blog comment, I hope that if you forward your comment to the Kloppenburg campaign you will do so without the cloak of anonymity. It will mean so much more to us to know who you are. For example, if you are from Colorado, it will draw attention to the fact that this situation has national exposure. On the other hand, if you are from Wisconsin, it will draw attention to the fact that many Wisconsin voters truly want to know that their votes were not wasted this year in an underhanded election. Your comment includes a couple of statements that I think deserve to be examined. For example, Waukesha was not the only lopsided county. In fact, other Milwaukee suburban counties and several northern counties showed the same lopsidedness. I think it will be a good exercise to recount the whole state by hand to restore our faith in the process and to perhaps uncover any crooked counting. I think you agree! Dear Concerned American,

I appreciate your comment here, and I hope you forward it to the JoAnne Kloppenburg campaign too.

Let me suggest a way to make your voice heard more clearly. Your comment above is anonymous, and while I understand why some people would sometimes rather not reveal their identity in a blog comment, I hope that if you forward your comment to the Kloppenburg campaign you will do so without the cloak of anonymity. It will mean so much more to us to know who you are. For example, if you are from Colorado, it will draw attention to the fact that this situation has national exposure. On the other hand, if you are from Wisconsin, it will draw attention to the fact that many Wisconsin voters truly want to know that their votes were not wasted this year in an underhanded election.

Your comment includes a couple of statements that I think deserve to be examined. For example, Waukesha was not the only lopsided county. In fact, other Milwaukee suburban counties and several northern counties showed the same lopsidedness. I think it will be a good exercise to recount the whole state by hand to restore our faith in the process and to perhaps uncover any crooked counting. I think you agree!

By: Caoncerned American Caoncerned American Wed, 20 Apr 2025 17:31:35 +0000 Mrs. Kloppenburg, I am writing you today to encourage you to opt for a recount of the supreme court election. I have been listening intently to the Tea Party Politicians across the country and this is a movement that scares me todeath (and I'm fearless). As I listen and review the statements made by Gov. John Kasich, Governor Rick Snyder, and Scott Walker during their elections and now I am struck by the outright dishonesty of these individuals. They all represented themselves as canadites who wanted to improve the conditions of the middle class. Yet in all cases they have enacted instrumental legislation that is monumentaly detrimental to the middle class of America. They have taken a course of action that is not even close to the campainge promises they made during their elections. In your own state of Wisconsin you have seen Scott Walker completely ignore the judicial branch of your government signifying his complete disregard for the democratic process. It therefore does not strike me as odd that he or his representitives would stoop to something like voter tampering to get his way. The discrepency in votes in Waukesha is disturbing. How can it be that in all other counties the race was pretty much a dead heat and yet misteriously in Waukesha County it was disproportionately in favor of Prosser? In addition there is a huge 20,000 voter difference between this election and Waukesha County election in 2025. And most importantly what was going on during the three days it took to bring the new votes to light? What is the source of these additionaly discovered votes? And if there was voter fraud what will prevent that from happening in the recall elections that are coming up? I find it especially disconcerting that David Prosser is set to fight any recount. WHAT DOES HE HAVE TO HIDE?!!!!!! It is important to establish the legitimacy of the election to ensure that future elections will be honest. Pleas don't back down now!!!!! Mrs. Kloppenburg,

I am writing you today to encourage you to opt for a recount of the supreme court election. I have been listening intently to the Tea Party Politicians across the country and this is a movement that scares me todeath (and I’m fearless). As I listen and review the statements made by Gov. John Kasich, Governor Rick Snyder, and Scott Walker during their elections and now I am struck by the outright dishonesty of these individuals. They all represented themselves as canadites who wanted to improve the conditions of the middle class. Yet in all cases they have enacted instrumental legislation that is monumentaly detrimental to the middle class of America. They have taken a course of action that is not even close to the campainge promises they made during their elections. In your own state of Wisconsin you have seen Scott Walker completely ignore the judicial branch of your government signifying his complete disregard for the democratic process. It therefore does not strike me as odd that he or his representitives would stoop to something like voter tampering to get his way. The discrepency in votes in Waukesha is disturbing. How can it be that in all other counties the race was pretty much a dead heat and yet misteriously in Waukesha County it was disproportionately in favor of Prosser? In addition there is a huge 20,000 voter difference between this election and Waukesha County election in 2025. And most importantly what was going on during the three days it took to bring the new votes to light? What is the source of these additionaly discovered votes? And if there was voter fraud what will prevent that from happening in the recall elections that are coming up? I find it especially disconcerting that David Prosser is set to fight any recount. WHAT DOES HE HAVE TO HIDE?!!!!!! It is important to establish the legitimacy of the election to ensure that future elections will be honest. Pleas don’t back down now!!!!!
