Sometimes I need to post links from my browser tabs just to clear the board. Here they are, various trails I’ve wandered down in the past day or two, kicked out of the webulous undergrowth by email, tweet, blogs, or the FB soc-net:
- Hack the Planet, wait for the announcement that only a small tactical nuke will close earth’s gushing wound a mile below the sea in the Gulf of Mexico. There will be a bright side to all that oil spreading out over the surface of the Atlantic between now and September when they get around to dropping a nuke down the pipe. Bright side is: flattened surface yields increased reflectivity equals lowered Albedo equals slowed global warming.
- Aspiring writer questions value of English degree, this one is in the running for the monthly “No shit, Sherlock!” award.
- Not for Profit, a brief interview with Martha Nussbaum, answering the question of what Hindu extremists have in common with Texas school boards.
- The Net Worth of American Presidents, a nice historical review. I recommend you follow the cycle of boom and bust and ask just how much speculation we as a society should permit the greed-balls on Wall Street.
- PRchitecture… a neologism Kat Herding thought she had invented until she googled it.
- Putting the Future Back in the Room, by Alex Steffen. I was shocked to learn that Al and Tipper, after celebrating the fortieth anniversaries of their marriage and of earth day, have decided to call it quits. What that has to do with Steffen’s essay, I don’t know. Al and tipper is a look back to 1970. Steffen suggests we focus on 2025.
- ElasticVapor and Enomaly, Reuven Cohen’s blog and business web sites. Cohen is a leader in the world of cloud computing, a technology that has matured over the last six or eight years and is finally ready for prime time here in the USA, now that we’ve begun to catch up with much of the rest of the world in affordable broadband connectivity.
- Sticks and stones may break our bones so we brought guns.
- Why converse with your customers when you can spam the living daylights out of them?
- More than a recipe for potato leek soup. (May be dangerous to open this one if freedom of speech is compromised in your country).
- web 3.0 by kate ray
- Visual Thesaurus, by Thinkmap.
Finally, a few pointers to what’s next… Web 3.0. Can I say “Web 3.0″ or has O’Reilly already registered it as a trademark?