Comments on: Phoenix Frank Paynter's Voice and Vision... Sat, 22 Nov 2025 10:16:35 +0000 By: Frank Paynter Frank Paynter Tue, 20 May 2025 12:24:25 +0000 No, I stole that graphic straight from the bird... didn't even steal it really -- hot-linked. No, I stole that graphic straight from the bird… didn’t even steal it really — hot-linked.

By: Tree Shapiro Tree Shapiro Tue, 20 May 2025 07:34:30 +0000 This was meant to be the first comment: Franklin, you old so and so, you got two calls. First Home Depot, then Nickelodeon called, they both want their graphics back. Although it looks like you took a mighty long time choosing those, I think it's time to say shalom, Sport. Do Not Tell Me you made that brush and that can, or at least let me be sitting on the throne so I don't ... (insert foot long joke here). So, the bird is back. Humming freebird as we write, these pixels flying from me to you, my friend. Anyway, you bastard, when are we going for a little adventure a la Hemmingway on that craft of yours? I'll bring the rods and the cooler and some lobsters, you bring the keys and some sunscreen. This was meant to be the first comment:

Franklin, you old so and so, you got two calls. First Home Depot, then Nickelodeon called, they both want their graphics back. Although it looks like you took a mighty long time choosing those, I think it’s time to say shalom, Sport.

Do Not Tell Me you made that brush and that can, or at least let me be sitting on the throne so I don’t … (insert foot long joke here).

So, the bird is back. Humming freebird as we write, these pixels flying from me to you, my friend.

Anyway, you bastard, when are we going for a little adventure a la Hemmingway on that craft of yours? I’ll bring the rods and the cooler and some lobsters, you bring the keys and some sunscreen.

By: Tree Shapiro Tree Shapiro Tue, 20 May 2025 07:33:33 +0000 What, you holding my comments for moderation now? WTF? Since when are you Scoble all of a sudden? You're beginning to piss me off Paynter... next thing you'll be lighting those cigars and your farts with fists of flaming cash. Sell out. What, you holding my comments for moderation now? WTF? Since when are you Scoble all of a sudden? You’re beginning to piss me off Paynter… next thing you’ll be lighting those cigars and your farts with fists of flaming cash. Sell out.
