Comments on: From Davos to Silly Valley Frank Paynter's Voice and Vision... Tue, 02 Dec 2025 19:33:33 +0000 By: Frank Paynter Frank Paynter Tue, 29 Jan 2025 14:23:01 +0000 C'mon Zo, you as a student of rhetoric surely recognize the paraprosdokian irony in that comment. C’mon Zo, you as a student of rhetoric surely recognize the paraprosdokian irony in that comment.

By: Zo Zo Tue, 29 Jan 2025 11:41:28 +0000 Scoble is getting a divorce? Scoble is getting a divorce?

By: Doug Alder Doug Alder Thu, 24 Jan 2025 20:07:32 +0000 Well thank Gawd I read the comments first now I won't have utterly wasted my time. Normally I wouldn't go a mere micron out of my way to listen to, read or view the utterly boring and pathetic Scoble but would have been tempted with those interviewees. Thanks for saving me :) Stu - I'm so jealous :) Mind you I wouldn't have had the knowledge of physics etc. to really make use of that interview time with Teller - but still..... Well thank Gawd I read the comments first now I won’t have utterly wasted my time. Normally I wouldn’t go a mere micron out of my way to listen to, read or view the utterly boring and pathetic Scoble but would have been tempted with those interviewees. Thanks for saving me :)

Stu - I’m so jealous :) Mind you I wouldn’t have had the knowledge of physics etc. to really make use of that interview time with Teller - but still…..

By: Ole Phat Stu Ole Phat Stu Thu, 24 Jan 2025 19:32:07 +0000 Having done 3 or 4 years as a lecturer in Davos in the 80s, let me make some general observations. 1) The political big wigs are there to talk, not to listen, even less so to learn :-( 2) Everyone there has an agenda, an axe to grind. 3) Reporters don't really care what you say, just as long as you fill their columns/airtime. 4) TV-anchors are so full of their self-importance its embarassing. General arrogance level is v. high too. 5) The best people there, who DO listen, are the scientists. Anecdotally I got to talk with Edward Teller for a whole half hour, very interesting, just the 2 of us. Having done 3 or 4 years as a lecturer in Davos in the 80s, let me make some general observations.

1) The political big wigs are there to talk, not to listen, even less so to learn :-(

2) Everyone there has an agenda, an axe to grind.

3) Reporters don’t really care what you say, just as long as you fill their columns/airtime.

4) TV-anchors are so full of their self-importance its embarassing. General arrogance level is v. high too.

5) The best people there, who DO listen, are the scientists. Anecdotally I got to talk with Edward Teller for a whole half hour, very interesting, just the 2 of us.

By: Charles Follymacher Charles Follymacher Thu, 24 Jan 2025 11:31:01 +0000 Ugh! I want my 4 mins back! Wot Jon Said. These two clips are an embarrassment. His subjects were indeed gracious. It's like he's at a Facebook developer's unconference or something. With all that's going on, he's treating it like this isn't serious business, like there's this pressing need for comic relief (and he's just the man to provide it). What exactly is he bringing to the table here? Ugh! I want my 4 mins back! Wot Jon Said. These two clips are an embarrassment. His subjects were indeed gracious. It’s like he’s at a Facebook developer’s unconference or something. With all that’s going on, he’s treating it like this isn’t serious business, like there’s this pressing need for comic relief (and he’s just the man to provide it). What exactly is he bringing to the table here?

By: Tree Shapiro Tree Shapiro Thu, 24 Jan 2025 08:29:06 +0000 Big Mac Mini on my 60 inch. Big Mac Mini on my 60 inch.

By: Jon H. Jon H. Thu, 24 Jan 2025 07:38:28 +0000 <i>Wow ! Hahahahahaaa. That sounds like fun. Go get lunch. You gonna be there tonight ? I will ... hahahahahhaaa</i> Thank goodness Gage and Shapiro are gracious and intelligent men when faced with an astonishingly vapid interviewing "technique". Wow ! Hahahahahaaa. That sounds like fun. Go get lunch. You gonna be there tonight ? I will … hahahahahhaaa

Thank goodness Gage and Shapiro are gracious and intelligent men when faced with an astonishingly vapid interviewing “technique”.

By: madame l. madame l. Thu, 24 Jan 2025 07:15:24 +0000 3:04 on john gage. i would like to hear more (anything, actually) of what he has to say. he managed to shut scoble up with some fascinating tidbits on what's going on with sun in africa until scoble said "that sounds like a lot of fun". what an asshat he is. he's got michael spence right there and asks him NOTHING! an astounding 1:23 on daniel shapiro with most of the time taken up by scoble asking if he did divorce law. chuckle chuckle boom. and a mind boggling 13:07 minutes of the increasingly boring danah boyd, where scoble manages to slip in some sexist pyjama comment in between her heroine of the obvious crap act she's been pimping for years and her chimp on crack over gesticulation. scoble comes off as an attention pig who doesn't actually listen or give a shit what the interviewee is saying and has 5,000 sheep (as he reminds us yet again) following him on FB. i highly doubt daniel shapiro is going to mediate his divorce. fudgie the whale. comes in his own ocean. 3:04 on john gage. i would like to hear more (anything, actually) of what he has to say. he managed to shut scoble up with some fascinating tidbits on what’s going on with sun in africa until scoble said “that sounds like a lot of fun”. what an asshat he is. he’s got michael spence right there and asks him NOTHING!

an astounding 1:23 on daniel shapiro with most of the time taken up by scoble asking if he did divorce law. chuckle chuckle boom.

and a mind boggling 13:07 minutes of the increasingly boring danah boyd, where scoble manages to slip in some sexist pyjama comment in between her heroine of the obvious crap act she’s been pimping for years and her chimp on crack over gesticulation.

scoble comes off as an attention pig who doesn’t actually listen or give a shit what the interviewee is saying and has 5,000 sheep (as he reminds us yet again) following him on FB. i highly doubt daniel shapiro is going to mediate his divorce.

fudgie the whale. comes in his own ocean.
