Comments on: FUD for thought… Frank Paynter's Voice and Vision... Tue, 02 Dec 2025 19:36:56 +0000 By: Think Artificial Think Artificial Thu, 31 Jan 2025 18:01:05 +0000 <strong>Envisioning Absolutely Dark Material</strong> The idea of completely dark material is fascinating. Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Rice University recently broke the record for the world’s darkest known material, four times darker than the previous record holder. But let&... Envisioning Absolutely Dark Material

The idea of completely dark material is fascinating. Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Rice University recently broke the record for the world’s darkest known material, four times darker than the previous record holder. But let&…

By: Tree Shapiro Tree Shapiro Mon, 21 Jan 2025 05:29:10 +0000 If you do bring your Roomba on vacation (and weren't stupid enough to say, give it to your sister for instance) I strongly suggest you take it with you to dinner or at least hire a babysitter. I was listening to a podcast the other morning and Scoble weighed himself and came in at 302 lbs. I would have guessed lower. Good thing I don't have a booth, eh? Sorry about the Packers. If you do bring your Roomba on vacation (and weren’t stupid enough to say, give it to your sister for instance) I strongly suggest you take it with you to dinner or at least hire a babysitter.

I was listening to a podcast the other morning and Scoble weighed himself and came in at 302 lbs. I would have guessed lower. Good thing I don’t have a booth, eh? Sorry about the Packers.

By: Doug Alder Doug Alder Sun, 20 Jan 2025 19:46:24 +0000 also back in May '07 Estonia was brought to an electronic halt by Russian hackers - it could be this that the CIA was referring to. also back in May ‘07 Estonia was brought to an electronic halt by Russian hackers - it could be this that the CIA was referring to.

By: Doug Alder Doug Alder Sun, 20 Jan 2025 19:30:16 +0000 Aha that would explain why Rageboy is going for 666 friends in Facebook - As the height of evil he'll be able to overcome the limitations of the Dunbar number! ;) Aha that would explain why Rageboy is going for 666 friends in Facebook - As the height of evil he’ll be able to overcome the limitations of the Dunbar number! ;)
