Okay. I’m jealous. There’s nothing like the California coast at sunset when the fog’s burned away. Picture is by Elliot Ng at the Fortune Brainstorm tech conference at the Ritz in Half Moon Bay. How many of these tweeties do you recognize? (Click on picture to enlarge).
[tags]twitterati, tweetup, tweethrup, in for a penny in for a shilling[/tags]
Robert Scoble has a nice post about the failure of tech blogging. It’s a “long form” post. On Gillmor Gang today, Scoble said he intended to do more long form posting. I could help him shorten it, of course. Take this passage…
Anyway, I’ve been thinking a lot about Tech blogging and my role in it. I’ve increasingly become saddened. Why? Because we’ve increasingly started focusing on the business side of things.
That 187 character mouthful could be shortened to a sweet tweet. For example…
I’ve thought a lot about my role as a tech blogger. It saddens me that lately we focus more on business than on tech.
Robert was talking on his Nokia about his iPhone as he fought through the coastal fog in Half Moon Bay, searching for the Ritz. “Coastal fog extending inland, morning and evening.” That’s pretty much the summer weather report for Half Moon Bay. By August a person looks forward to the monsoons and mud-slides of winter.
He was puffing while he walked and talked, seemingly out of breath by the end of the call. I don’t know how much gear he was carrying, but I wanted to tell him to get to the gym! I wanted to give him all kinds of advice. I restrained myself.
Returning to the “long form” post, I’ll offer this advice now:
Robert, whenever you ask a rhetorical question you waste bandwidth. Stop already! Your post contains more than 2025 words, more than 10,000 characters. It’s nice that you use lots and lots of short words. Your writing is very understandable — soporific, but understandable. How much nicer it would be if your writing was simple, clear, and concise. The long form requires it. Your readers deserve it. Practice cutting out as much extraneous bullshit as possible. If you do this, fewer people will be tagging your “long form posts” tl;dr.
[tags]too long didn’t read, walk like a man, go to the gym, editing is more than spell checking, scoble[/tags]