Comments on: The Jena Six We're beginning to notice some improvement. Thu, 11 Feb 2025 05:48:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karl Sun, 30 Sep 2025 11:19:20 +0000 Criminal Victimization in the United States, 2025 Statistical Tables:

“There are none so blind as those who will not see.”

By: Blair Wed, 26 Sep 2025 14:50:34 +0000 Following the Jena High School beating incidence, the Justice Department reopened its investigation into the noose-hanging incident and found no link to the assault on Justin Barker or other confrontations between black and white students. Donald Washington, U.S. attorney for the Western District of Louisiana, told CNN that “A lot of things happened between the noose hanging and the fight occurring, and we have arrived at the conclusion that the fight itself had no connection.” He added that “We could not prove that, because the statements of the students themselves do not make any mention of nooses, of trees, of the ‘N’ word or any other word of racial hate.” Washington also told CNN that Bell had “several previous assault charges on his record. “ The CNN story is online at

By: Charles Follymacher Tue, 25 Sep 2025 13:00:17 +0000 The (White) ruling class in Jena are a bunch of vindictive lowlifes. All you hear from them is, “all this trouble is coming from the outside!” See, the Black folk in Jena don’t have any trouble with this case because we keep our negroes in check.

By: Shelley Tue, 25 Sep 2025 03:38:08 +0000 What Blair and others don’t realize is that a fair and equal justice system is for all people–not just tiny women riding in the front of the bus, or people dressed in their Sunday Best walking down a road singing a hymn.

Mychael Bell does have a juvenile criminal record, including battery and property damage. We don’t know the circumstances, but even if we did, it doesn’t change the facts behind these events.

There was nothing but inconsistent testimony by the eyewitnesses who saw the event, and the only person who said he saw Mychael Bell kick Justin Baker was one of the people who hung the nooses at the school. Frankly, I would not consider him a reputable witness.

Even the injuries that Justin Baker suffered are inconsistent with the assertions that 6 black men (all star football players), knocked and held this man down, kicking and hitting him repeatedly. His injuries were consistent with being hit and knocked down, perhaps hit again, and either getting hit in his hands, or his hands were stepped on.

The stories neglect to mention all the other events, including (and this was from another journalist, Darryl Fears, from the Washington Post), about Justin Baker bringing a loaded gun to school a few weeks after this incident, and why wasn’t he charged for doing so? Frankly, I find a loaded gun to be more dangerous than loaded tennis shoes.

There really wasn’t enough clear, substantiated fact to bring this to trial, much less bring about a conviction. The witnesses were tampered with, what physical evidence exists does not corroborate the stories, which were inconsistent with each other. Realistically? This should have resulted in suspensions, perhaps being expelled, and that’s about it. There wasn’t enough criminal evidence to make this a clean charge in court.

To bring about a charge of second degree murder based on such flimsy testimony and evidence is an absolute miscarriage of justice. Then, when the charge is ‘reduced’, to justify second degree assault (which requires a weapon) by saying that tennis shoes are a dangerous weapons — well, I would think the people of Jena would rather admit to racism than to being thought of us as stupid po’dunk ignorant hicks who got their legal training from watching old Perry Mason shows.

I’ve been seeing that link in other weblog posts on this topic, Frank. It’s sad to see how eagerly it was accepted.

By: Frank Paynter Tue, 25 Sep 2025 02:42:27 +0000 Someone representing The New Century Foundation left a link in the comments to a “report” on black-on-white crime in America. I refer you instead to this report on The New Century Foundation.

By: Frank Paynter Tue, 25 Sep 2025 00:24:33 +0000 Blair, just so there is clarity here: you asserted that Mychal Bell remains in jail because he was on parole from previous convictions for assault and battery (he beat his girlfriend so severely her eye was dislocated from its socket).

Shelley called you on that, noting that Bell’s juvenile record is sealed so the level of detail you provided made it seem like you were trying to blow smoke up our collective asses (I’m paraphrasing here.)

You defended yourself by deflecting your false and/or misleading statement to unidentified bloggers. You said: I should have written that according to some bloggers, one of the victims of Bell’s previous attacks was his 17-year-old girlfriend who was beaten so severly that her eye was dislocated from the socket. Actually, this type of injury is more common in fights than people think.

Shelley (with an “e”) said, in effect, “What bloggers are you talking about?”

Here’s where it gets absurd… you said, in direct response to Shelley’s question… you said, help me here, I’m blowing beverage out my nostrils, yes, you said… (hey, and this is after you’d gotten all clinical about people’s eye-sockets being emptied of their orbs and shit) you said… well, you said NOTHING. You did NOT respond to Shelley’s question, but for some reason you thought it would be meaningful to try the smoke blowing trick one more time.

Do me a favor, “Blair.” Don’t come back until you can point to the bloggers that are spreading the misinformation. And until you do provide us those links, we can all rest easy in the understanding that YOU MADE THAT SHIT UP. Jackass.

By: Blair Mon, 24 Sep 2025 23:24:02 +0000 Shelly: I believe that Mychael Bell has previous convictions because the news media is reporting he had previous convictions. I did read the Jena Times ‘timeline’ you referenced. It’s a newspaper, not a blog. However, I posted my statement after the networks began backing up the Jena Times version of events.

By: Shelley Mon, 24 Sep 2025 21:35:20 +0000 Blair, do you understand what you’ve done here?

The following is fact: Bell’s prior convictions and parole status were reported at Bell’s bail hearing after the initial charge was dismissed. It was reported by a parole officer and a court clerk.

You made a statement of fact based on things you heard as hearsay from ‘some’ bloggers.

In addition, can you contemplate the possibility that the only reason you recounted this is because you believed it, and you believed it _because_ Mychael Bell is black?

Please list the links to the ‘some bloggers’ that are reporting this story.

By: Blair Mon, 24 Sep 2025 20:44:08 +0000 Note to Shelly: ABC News has reported on the “white tree” and Bell’s prior convictions and parole status.

Locals Dispute Growing Story of Jena 6 (

The so-called “white tree” at Jena High, often reported to be the domain of only white students, was nothing of the sort, according to teachers and school administrators; students of all races, they say, congregated under it at one time or another

“It was widely reported that Bell, now 17, was an honor student with no prior criminal record. Although he had a high grade-point average, he was, in fact, on probation for at least two counts of battery and a count of criminal damage to property.

I should have written that according to some bloggers, one of the victims of Bell’s previous attacks was his 17-year-old girlfriend who was beaten so severly that her eye was dislocated from the socket. Actually, this type of injury is more common in fights than people think.

By: Charles Follymacher Mon, 24 Sep 2025 19:51:57 +0000 Blair exemplifies the difficulty with conspiracy theories. You can always craft an alternative history that sounds pretty reasonable to anyone who needs to believe something different. Sometimes there’s a seed of truth, sometimes…not so much. It’s effective in either case.

Oh, woah! Which o which news brand to trust!?
