Comments on: There’ll be no peace without a planet Frank Paynter's Voice and Vision... Tue, 07 Nov 2025 14:42:46 +0000 by: Frank Paynter Thu, 17 Aug 2025 17:26:16 +0000 okay. when you listen you will want to ignore the music he uses for a lead-in and probably also the couple of tunes he has cut into the "show." Gaskin's stuff is very interesting pointing straight at the issues you touch lightly in this comment... legality, custom and practice, scheduled ceasarians versus the good old fashined forceps on the skull extraction method. Mark's subject matter in these interviews is brilliant, progressive, and pointed, but his production instincts seem very so-so. okay. when you listen you will want to ignore the music he uses for a lead-in and probably also the couple of tunes he has cut into the “show.” Gaskin’s stuff is very interesting pointing straight at the issues you touch lightly in this comment… legality, custom and practice, scheduled ceasarians versus the good old fashined forceps on the skull extraction method. Mark’s subject matter in these interviews is brilliant, progressive, and pointed, but his production instincts seem very so-so.

by: madame l. Thu, 17 Aug 2025 16:54:23 +0000 her book (ina may's) <i>spiritual midwifery</i> was v important reading and helped me have 5 daughters without any "medical" interference. all with midwives, the last 3 at home. the politics of birth is a fascinating subject. when i was pregnant with my youngest daughter the other white middle class ladies in the yoga class i attended who fancied themselves "progressive-ish" would ply me with fear based questions/statements when they found out i was having a home birth. everything from "is that legal?" to "do they have an ambulance waiting?" to "i prefer to have mine the old fashioned way, with a doctor"... i plan on listening to the interview tomorrow morning. the trend in childbirth among those who can choose seems to favour scheduled ceasarians with male obs, highly recommended, who use military metaphors when describing birth. gods help us. her book (ina may’s) spiritual midwifery was v important reading and helped me have 5 daughters without any “medical” interference. all with midwives, the last 3 at home.
the politics of birth is a fascinating subject. when i was pregnant with my youngest daughter the other white middle class ladies in the yoga class i attended who fancied themselves “progressive-ish” would ply me with fear based questions/statements when they found out i was having a home birth. everything from “is that legal?” to “do they have an ambulance waiting?” to “i prefer to have mine the old fashioned way, with a doctor”…

i plan on listening to the interview tomorrow morning.
the trend in childbirth among those who can choose seems to favour scheduled ceasarians with male obs, highly recommended, who use military metaphors when describing birth.
gods help us.

by: Bruce Thu, 17 Aug 2025 13:18:45 +0000 Steve Gaskin has published some wonderful <a href=";index=books&#38;rank=-relevance%2C%2Bavailability%2C-daterank&#38;field-author-exact=Stephen%20Gaskin" rel="nofollow">books</a> as well, including one about the Monday night class. I own two. This Season's People is spiritually out there, and Amazing Dope Tales is fun. Steve Gaskin has published some wonderful books as well, including one about the Monday night class. I own two. This Season’s People is spiritually out there, and Amazing Dope Tales is fun.
