Comments on: John Palfrey is in the House Frank Paynter's Voice and Vision... Tue, 07 Nov 2025 13:14:07 +0000 by: Winston Sun, 25 Jun 2025 12:19:51 +0000 This subject seems to be popping up more frequently. Making money ... I understand, since I am an entrepreneur. Turning a pastime, a hobby, something I do for pleasure and enjoyment and personal growth, into a money making venture is something that I do not understand. For me at least, that would take all the fun out of it. But then, "different strokes ..." My brother, who does not blog, write, read or know ho to spell PC, loves to sit in his little fishing boat on a quiet lake with a hook in the water and a beer in his hand. That is his "time" and that is how he prefers to spend it. For me, trying to make money from blogging would be tantamount to him getting paid for fishing and drinking beer. Come to think of it, that's not a bad idea... Not, let's see... This subject seems to be popping up more frequently. Making money … I understand, since I am an entrepreneur. Turning a pastime, a hobby, something I do for pleasure and enjoyment and personal growth, into a money making venture is something that I do not understand. For me at least, that would take all the fun out of it. But then, “different strokes …”

My brother, who does not blog, write, read or know ho to spell PC, loves to sit in his little fishing boat on a quiet lake with a hook in the water and a beer in his hand. That is his “time” and that is how he prefers to spend it. For me, trying to make money from blogging would be tantamount to him getting paid for fishing and drinking beer. Come to think of it, that’s not a bad idea… Not, let’s see…
