Comments on: Popularity - the shining path Frank Paynter's Voice and Vision... Fri, 09 Jan 2025 03:25:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Frank Paynter Frank Paynter Sun, 04 Jun 2025 13:03:45 +0000 I very muich like and agree with the line "Comity comes with a price in integrity." Thanks for that and for your continuing kindness. I very muich like and agree with the line “Comity comes with a price in integrity.” Thanks for that and for your continuing kindness.

By: J. Alva Scruggs J. Alva Scruggs Sun, 04 Jun 2025 09:58:21 +0000 <blockquote>“I think you’re illustrating his point perfectly, because you tend to want to be popular, at the expense of thinking for yourself.”</blockquote> Nearly everyone wants to be, if not popular, then at least well-liked and one of the ways people do that is by paying a few groupthink dues. How <i>much</i> horseshit any of us might utter, the extent to which it is actual horseshit and the degree to which we're silly enough to really believe it is another story. Comity comes with a price in integrity -- sometimes a little confusion as well. The "telling it like it is" people, sadly, tend to be assholes and the times they're wrong loom much larger than they need to. One can be right and righteous in a way that guarantees isolation and bitterness (not to mention becoming imbued with an extreme of fecklessness normally reserved for senators).

“I think you’re illustrating his point perfectly, because you tend to want to be popular, at the expense of thinking for yourself.”

Nearly everyone wants to be, if not popular, then at least well-liked and one of the ways people do that is by paying a few groupthink dues. How much horseshit any of us might utter, the extent to which it is actual horseshit and the degree to which we’re silly enough to really believe it is another story. Comity comes with a price in integrity — sometimes a little confusion as well. The “telling it like it is” people, sadly, tend to be assholes and the times they’re wrong loom much larger than they need to. One can be right and righteous in a way that guarantees isolation and bitterness (not to mention becoming imbued with an extreme of fecklessness normally reserved for senators).

By: tony tony Sat, 03 Jun 2025 20:52:15 +0000 how could i have forgotten my friends from wisconsin? and if if makes you feel any better i didnt link to jeneane or her hubby either. it was a very dark day when i wrote that post and i knew i was going to leave out a lot of people, i just wanted to get the story down. how could i have forgotten my friends from wisconsin?

and if if makes you feel any better i didnt link to jeneane or her hubby either. it was a very dark day when i wrote that post and i knew i was going to leave out a lot of people, i just wanted to get the story down.
