Comments on: Pleasures of moving… We're beginning to notice some improvement. Wed, 12 Aug 2025 04:40:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mike Golby Wed, 05 Apr 2025 20:22:30 +0000 Wake up, Frank. It’ll be Colorado and we’ll be giving the lessons. There are a couple of long downhills the Irregulars can really rip up west of Boulder and the Jesus Bunker. The Tutor’s bussing in the Bondage mob and they’re picking up all sorts of social diseases along the way. We’ll be unbeatable. I’ve watched a couple of videos of these so-called hotshot kids and it’s all tech, I tells ya. They tie cameras to their heads or have carloads of video-cam waving, ponytailed longhairs with arthritic knees following them. Makes ’em look faster. But it’s all a con. They’re no good and we’ll blow them away. Alternatively, Brother Marek can. He’s on camera duty this weekend and I’ve asked him to keep the 30mm cannon mounted to the hood of his open-top Caddy. Matrullo will man the gun and has strict orders to mow down anybody younger than thirty. If he misses, we’ll just drive ’em down like sheep. We’ll be taking the girls (one of whom will have to drive), the medivac chopper, a goodly supply of alcohol, laptops, and some awesome hash Father Christopher found in his left sock this morning. Don’t forget your Pope hat, eh? I’ll be sending a photograph of you to Ratzo sometime next week; just to remind him Lent’s not yet over. People are camping out at the compound already and ticket touts are making a killing. Some desperate out-of-towners are climbing the Bunker fence in a desperate attempt to get freebies. RageBoy watches them on CCTV from one of the control centers and turns on the electricity when they get too close to the top. He’s laughing hysterically and Locke’s trying to feed him tablets. What’s more, there are rumors the Beatles are getting together for the occasion, but I’m not too keen on John and George coming around. I’ve asked Gerry Garcia to do one of his free gigs and am awaiting a reply. This is going to be a great weekend, Frank. It’s gonna be wild. Trust me on this one, my friend. I’d not bullshit you on something so dear to our hearts.

PS: The Northern California Downhill’s Easter weekend. We’ll knock ’em dead. Or hire someone to do it for us before things turn ugly. There’s nothing to this so-called ‘professional’ or ‘celebrity’ crap, Frank. I have done it many times before and have always been paid off.

By: Frank Paynter Wed, 05 Apr 2025 19:41:40 +0000 Yes Tamar… if I were you I would hang out at Golby’s. Hell, I’m NOT you and I hang out at Golby’s. He himself is the answer to that eternal question: “Y blog Za?”

By: Tamar Wed, 05 Apr 2025 11:48:02 +0000 Hm … Frank. I know what you mean about moving. Although my moves have always been way too real and not virtual enough.

Now then, that Golby man. I mean, isn’t he cool? Frank, I might have become a groupie there too. I hope you don’t mind. I mean, and he brings the Vic Falls out for me too … and there is nothing … I mean … nothing like those Falls and all those memories …
