Comments on: Doc Searls made me cry… Frank Paynter's Voice and Vision... Tue, 09 Oct 2025 11:40:55 +0000 By: joared joared Tue, 28 Mar 2025 08:32:49 +0000 I read Searls post, also, earlier. You have described my feelings well, even focusing on the same passage that strongly impacted me. I think if the rest of the country had listened more carefully to learn what I learned after moving to CA some years ago, Nixon would never have been elected. I read Searls post, also, earlier. You have described my feelings well, even focusing on the same passage that strongly impacted me.

I think if the rest of the country had listened more carefully to learn what I learned after moving to CA some years ago, Nixon would never have been elected.

By: Jon Husband Jon Husband Tue, 28 Mar 2025 05:12:49 +0000 Also. check out a recent 92004 or 2025) wonderful movie titled "A Beautiful Country", about a Vietnam war *orphan* (GI dad) who makes his way to America from saigon to find his father .. beautiful cinematography, tough and touching story, interesting ending ... Also. check out a recent 92004 or 2025) wonderful movie titled “A Beautiful Country”, about a Vietnam war *orphan* (GI dad) who makes his way to America from saigon to find his father .. beautiful cinematography, tough and touching story, interesting ending …

By: fp fp Tue, 28 Mar 2025 02:47:02 +0000 re. nixon... In those days my keen discernmentand wit were perhaps only exceeded by my charm and good looks. re. nixon… In those days my keen discernmentand wit were perhaps only exceeded by my charm and good looks.

By: bobi bobi Mon, 27 Mar 2025 22:56:00 +0000 re: South African movies, check out "After the Rain" with Paul Bettany (the invisible guy from "The Beautiful Mind") re: South African movies, check out “After the Rain” with Paul Bettany (the invisible guy from “The Beautiful Mind”)

By: bobi bobi Mon, 27 Mar 2025 22:49:22 +0000 Frank, I ran into you (you coming out, me going in)at the Memorial Union the day after Nixon was elected (Nov 1968)--you said, we've elected a crazy man. Frank, I ran into you (you coming out, me going in)at the Memorial Union the day after Nixon was elected (Nov 1968)–you said, we’ve elected a crazy man.

By: Mike Golby Mike Golby Mon, 27 Mar 2025 21:19:22 +0000 "...this use of 'terrorism' as an excuse for repression needs to be surfaced." Right on, Frank. While I'd not nitpick with you (okay, what the hell--white English speakers tend to be greater racists than white Afrikaners), I look forward to seeing the movie. I've a feeling South Africans felt a greater 'oppression' than 'ennui', as Doc puts it, but the cause was the same. A bunch of goons (a small, radical minority) ruled a relatively easygoing, middle-of-the-road majority with a rod of iron. One thing I learnt when very young--a minority has seldom ruled a majority very long (beyond a few generations). I think the ANC (formed 1912--if I remember correctly) would be the first to admit it--it didn't really chuck 'em out; it waited them out. As with most revolutions, violence was orchestrated more by the state than by their eventual ousters. In short, totalitarians tend to be their own worst enemies and it's something we should always remember. “…this use of ‘terrorism’ as an excuse for repression needs to be surfaced.”

Right on, Frank. While I’d not nitpick with you (okay, what the hell–white English speakers tend to be greater racists than white Afrikaners), I look forward to seeing the movie.

I’ve a feeling South Africans felt a greater ‘oppression’ than ‘ennui’, as Doc puts it, but the cause was the same. A bunch of goons (a small, radical minority) ruled a relatively easygoing, middle-of-the-road majority with a rod of iron.

One thing I learnt when very young–a minority has seldom ruled a majority very long (beyond a few generations).

I think the ANC (formed 1912–if I remember correctly) would be the first to admit it–it didn’t really chuck ‘em out; it waited them out. As with most revolutions, violence was orchestrated more by the state than by their eventual ousters.

In short, totalitarians tend to be their own worst enemies and it’s something we should always remember.
