Comments on: Deepak Chopra and Kate Moss Frank Paynter's Voice and Vision... Tue, 02 Dec 2025 13:34:50 +0000 By: Dean Landsman Dean Landsman Mon, 28 Nov 2025 22:35:45 +0000 You're writing about the Deep Pack Chopper?! Yes, send one right away! And any other Ron Popeil products you've got. Doncha love that holiday shopping! We put some Kate Moss on our lawn. It turned the grass white, and then it only lasted a few moments before there was this need to put more on the lawn. We love their marketing: "blow a gram and enjoy the effects!" On the Bizarro planet Deepak Chopra and Katie Littleteenyshapelessthingwhomodelswhennotdoingblow are getting married and raising llamas. They both make a mistake, though, and yell out HOLY COW! whenever the beast appears on TV. You’re writing about the Deep Pack Chopper?! Yes, send one right away! And any other Ron Popeil products you’ve got. Doncha love that holiday shopping!

We put some Kate Moss on our lawn. It turned the grass white, and then it only lasted a few moments before there was this need to put more on the lawn. We love their marketing: “blow a gram and enjoy the effects!”

On the Bizarro planet Deepak Chopra and Katie Littleteenyshapelessthingwhomodelswhennotdoingblow are getting married and raising llamas. They both make a mistake, though, and yell out HOLY COW! whenever the beast appears on TV.

By: Mike Golby Mike Golby Mon, 28 Nov 2025 20:39:22 +0000 Thanks for your kind words, Colonel. (Damn, I wonder... Nah... your rank was earned as an EGR Irregular of Reknown. You're certainly not my grandfather. Are you?) As for PingLee, Madame, I'd keep an eye on that one (well, I won't, but you know what I mean). Cathryn, my youngest, appears remarkably similar--hair colourants are bloody expensive and, as for the music... well, it's not that I disapprove, but it just ain't the same (I can handle NIN, Tool, and others, but the rest--especially their friends' bands--are beyond me). What's it with these kids? It's like they've grown up without parents or something--and benefitted hugely. Where'd we go wrong? Or right? Apologies, Frank. Parental stuff and all that. You know the drill. Been there, done that, have the T-shirt, nervous tic and bottles of sedatives... BTW Leslie, you can also give your daughter a piece of my mind. Kate would never dream of getting involved with stuff like that. She's such a lovely girl... Thanks for your kind words, Colonel. (Damn, I wonder… Nah… your rank was earned as an EGR Irregular of Reknown. You’re certainly not my grandfather. Are you?)

As for PingLee, Madame, I’d keep an eye on that one (well, I won’t, but you know what I mean). Cathryn, my youngest, appears remarkably similar–hair colourants are bloody expensive and, as for the music… well, it’s not that I disapprove, but it just ain’t the same (I can handle NIN, Tool, and others, but the rest–especially their friends’ bands–are beyond me). What’s it with these kids? It’s like they’ve grown up without parents or something–and benefitted hugely.

Where’d we go wrong? Or right?

Apologies, Frank. Parental stuff and all that. You know the drill. Been there, done that, have the T-shirt, nervous tic and bottles of sedatives…

BTW Leslie, you can also give your daughter a piece of my mind. Kate would never dream of getting involved with stuff like that. She’s such a lovely girl…

By: madamelevy madamelevy Mon, 28 Nov 2025 16:42:25 +0000 (pinglee's joke btw) what's kate moss's favourite tv show? who's line is it anyway. (pinglee’s joke btw)
what’s kate moss’s favourite tv show?
who’s line is it anyway.
