Comments on: Blog Sisters Frank Paynter's Voice and Vision... Thu, 08 Jan 2025 03:41:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: fp fp Sun, 31 Jul 2025 02:12:24 +0000 You may have a point Niek. You may have a point Niek.

By: Niek Hockx Niek Hockx Sun, 31 Jul 2025 00:36:11 +0000 BlogHerCon is a conference of frustrated American women bloggers who still, after all this time, can't take their tops off at the beach simply when or just because they feel like it. As a Dutchman you can save yourself a lot of time by not trying to follow the discussions going on over there. We've been through all that silly stuff in the 60ties. It's all old news over here. The only thing BlogHerCon accomplishes is reminding us how we in Europe are still sadly dominated by a primitive, retarded, women-unfriendly, sexually immature, behind-closed-doors porn driven, US Wild-West culture that, unfortunately for us, happens to have its military finger on the trigger of total global annihilation. BlogHerCon is a conference of frustrated American women bloggers who still, after all this time, can’t take their tops off at the beach simply when or just because they feel like it.

As a Dutchman you can save yourself a lot of time by not trying to follow the discussions going on over there. We’ve been through all that silly stuff in the 60ties. It’s all old news over here.

The only thing BlogHerCon accomplishes is reminding us how we in Europe are still sadly dominated by a primitive, retarded, women-unfriendly, sexually immature, behind-closed-doors porn driven, US Wild-West culture that, unfortunately for us, happens to have its military finger on the trigger of total global annihilation.
