Comments on: First there is a blogstorm then there is no blogstorm then there is… Frank Paynter's Voice and Vision... Mon, 29 Oct 2025 00:50:29 +0000 By: I Speak of Dreams I Speak of Dreams Sun, 20 Feb 2025 02:15:03 +0000 <strong>I Stand With Frank</strong> While there are plenty of fishermen fishing fish, I continue to maintain that there are no bloggers blogging blogs. There are only people connecting and communicating, behaving well and behaving poorly, creating and copying, encouraging and frustrating... I Stand With Frank

While there are plenty of fishermen fishing fish, I continue to maintain that there are no bloggers blogging blogs. There are only people connecting and communicating, behaving well and behaving poorly, creating and copying, encouraging and frustrating…

By: Harry Harry Sat, 19 Feb 2025 18:00:25 +0000 And who is this guy "Harry?" Now that's a tough one. Harry is a slacker Candide who got lost one day roaming the web looking for Professor Pangloss. And who is this guy “Harry?”

Now that’s a tough one.

Harry is a slacker Candide who got lost one day roaming the web looking for Professor Pangloss.

By: Dean Landsman Dean Landsman Sat, 19 Feb 2025 06:05:15 +0000 Make sure to send those contributions to my Rockland County, NY office. Contribute early and often. Make sure to send those contributions to my Rockland County, NY office. Contribute early and often.

By: fp fp Sat, 19 Feb 2025 00:43:08 +0000 Jon, near as I can tell Dave Winer is a programmer who was pretty successful in the 80's shrink wrapping some utilities for the Macintosh consumer market. He was an early eZine kind of guy... not the earliest and no where near the best, but assiduous in his devotion to being first with good tech dish. I read him often. The few times he's linked to me, I've experienced a nice bounce in traffic. There are a couple of server products that he was responsible for - Manila and/or Frontier, and then the Radio blog tool. The real reason he's important is because of his collaboration working on some important interoperability tools from Userland's XML-RPC and Microsoft's SOAP to RSS. He was a good programming resource plugged into the market where he was needed. His enthusiasm is boundless, his self absorbtion is legendary. We who enjoy content exchange and syndication should acknowledge his work. Weblogs are trivial: reverse chron lists of links and notes. Jorn Barger coined the word in 1997. Derek Powazek says: "If the question is how many blogs there were in 1997, the answer is none. The word 'blog' was coined by Peter Merholz in 1999. Lots of us have been publishing on the web since there was a web, but 'blogging' is something that's been happening since 1999. Before that it was simply called a 'personal website' or even, dare I say it, a 'homepage.'" Webloggers are not trivial. There is so much human interest, so much talent, so much diversity of expression going on in the so-called blogosphere... it makes me so happy I could wet my pants. *** Dean, I'm glad to see you assuming a rightful position in the democratic party. Now that Dean's in charge, I sez to myself, I may up my contribution! Jon, near as I can tell Dave Winer is a programmer who was pretty successful in the 80’s shrink wrapping some utilities for the Macintosh consumer market. He was an early eZine kind of guy… not the earliest and no where near the best, but assiduous in his devotion to being first with good tech dish. I read him often. The few times he’s linked to me, I’ve experienced a nice bounce in traffic. There are a couple of server products that he was responsible for - Manila and/or Frontier, and then the Radio blog tool. The real reason he’s important is because of his collaboration working on some important interoperability tools from Userland’s XML-RPC and Microsoft’s SOAP to RSS. He was a good programming resource plugged into the market where he was needed. His enthusiasm is boundless, his self absorbtion is legendary. We who enjoy content exchange and syndication should acknowledge his work.

Weblogs are trivial: reverse chron lists of links and notes. Jorn Barger coined the word in 1997. Derek Powazek says: “If the question is how many blogs there were in 1997, the answer is none. The word ‘blog’ was coined by Peter Merholz in 1999. Lots of us have been publishing on the web since there was a web, but ‘blogging’ is something that’s been happening since 1999. Before that it was simply called a ‘personal website’ or even, dare I say it, a ‘homepage.’”

Webloggers are not trivial. There is so much human interest, so much talent, so much diversity of expression going on in the so-called blogosphere… it makes me so happy I could wet my pants.


Dean, I’m glad to see you assuming a rightful position in the democratic party. Now that Dean’s in charge, I sez to myself, I may up my contribution!

By: Dean Landsman Dean Landsman Sat, 19 Feb 2025 00:19:46 +0000 Some bloggers (yes, I am a blogger) (no, I am not a journalist, nor have I ever claimed to be one during the entire period in which I've been a blogger) not only don't write --OR GIVE A SHIT-- about the next big thing, but actually write about that which is of interest to them. Most of those bloggers also could not give a hoot if they are written about, linked to, or covered whatsoever by the intellectuals who choose to dissect the blogs and the blogosphere. As I said in an earlier comment, FUCK 'EM! Note: the "'EM!", above, refers to the intellectual assholes, not to the majority of bloggers who are normal human beings. And about that concept of all bloggers emanating from one root blogger . . . what is this, the Adam and Eve complex taken to the nth degree? Feh! This is ego beyond imagination. Does this mean that the original PITa blogs (which preceded a certain egotist's entry into the enterprise) are the ancestral ma/patriarch (oh, I am just SO correct!) to each and every extant blog of the moment? And that, of course, would include all the LiveJournal, Xanga, Dairyland blogs, as well as the MT, Type Pad, WordPress, Bloxsom, Grey Matter, Radio, Manila (long live Buzzword!), Bryght, B2Evolution, Expression Engine (and PMachine, rest in peace), Blogger, Nucleus, Tinderbox, wBlogger (to name but a few), and various other blog-software clients out there. What a crock of self-satisfying self-important shit. Narcissism to a degree beyond that already known to the human race. Here's the bottom line, according to me. And if you wonder what makes me have a bottom line worthy of consideration (a very good question, btw), here's the answer: just because, that's why. Okay, getting back to the bottom line --> Bloggers blog. Blogs contain items written by bloggers. All else is comentary. As a self-proclaimed B-minus list blogger, I find it very healthy to sometimes opine on the itme formerly known as the NEXT BIG THING, usually on a three-items-ago basis. Some bloggers (yes, I am a blogger) (no, I am not a journalist, nor have I ever claimed to be one during the entire period in which I’ve been a blogger) not only don’t write –OR GIVE A SHIT– about the next big thing, but actually write about that which is of interest to them.

Most of those bloggers also could not give a hoot if they are written about, linked to, or covered whatsoever by the intellectuals who choose to dissect the blogs and the blogosphere.

As I said in an earlier comment, FUCK ‘EM!

Note: the “‘EM!”, above, refers to the intellectual assholes, not to the majority of bloggers who are normal human beings.

And about that concept of all bloggers emanating from one root blogger . . . what is this, the Adam and Eve complex taken to the nth degree? Feh! This is ego beyond imagination. Does this mean that the original PITa blogs (which preceded a certain egotist’s entry into the enterprise) are the ancestral ma/patriarch (oh, I am just SO correct!) to each and every extant blog of the moment? And that, of course, would include all the LiveJournal, Xanga, Dairyland blogs, as well as the MT, Type Pad, WordPress, Bloxsom, Grey Matter, Radio, Manila (long live Buzzword!), Bryght, B2Evolution, Expression Engine (and PMachine, rest in peace), Blogger, Nucleus, Tinderbox, wBlogger (to name but a few), and various other blog-software clients out there.

What a crock of self-satisfying self-important shit. Narcissism to a degree beyond that already known to the human race.

Here’s the bottom line, according to me. And if you wonder what makes me have a bottom line worthy of consideration (a very good question, btw), here’s the answer: just because, that’s why. Okay, getting back to the bottom line –> Bloggers blog. Blogs contain items written by bloggers.

All else is comentary.

As a self-proclaimed B-minus list blogger, I find it very healthy to sometimes opine on the itme formerly known as the NEXT BIG THING, usually on a three-items-ago basis.

By: Jon Garfunkel Jon Garfunkel Fri, 18 Feb 2025 22:50:00 +0000 Only your pinger knows for sure. btw, at the BloJoCred conference, Winer claimed that each blogger derived from an earlier blogger, and seemed to suggest that, by extension, there was one common ancestor. (him?) Anyone know any more about this? That's pretty scary, from an evolutionary point of view. I was at least trying to build a different model using the five archetypes. Only your pinger knows for sure.

btw, at the BloJoCred conference, Winer claimed that each blogger derived from an earlier blogger, and seemed to suggest that, by extension, there was one common ancestor. (him?) Anyone know any more about this? That’s pretty scary, from an evolutionary point of view. I was at least trying to build a different model using the five archetypes.
