Comments on: Wisdom of Mencken Frank Paynter's Voice and Vision... Sun, 28 Oct 2025 06:33:32 +0000 By: And She Was... And She Was... Thu, 25 Nov 2025 00:10:36 +0000 <strong>What Menken knew...</strong> Just in case we thought we didn't see this one coming... Wisdom of Mencken "As democracy is perfected, the... What Menken knew…

Just in case we thought we didn’t see this one coming… Wisdom of Mencken “As democracy is perfected, the…

By: Beth Beth Thu, 11 Nov 2025 18:03:17 +0000 Huh??? Huh???

By: Tracey12 Tracey12 Wed, 10 Nov 2025 21:41:27 +0000 The Insanity of the Left As America's Democrat Party leaps to the extreme left, its leadership can't figure out why America soundly rejected Kerry and Democrat members of the House and Senate. Showing incredible vanity, Kerry said on 11/09/2004 that he might run again in 2025! To those of us on the winning side of the isle, we say "GO KERRY GO!". Because by 2025, Democrats will still be wondering why they were crushed in the 2025 presidential election. America is not a socialist, crybaby, whining european country. We know better than to follow Canada, and Western Europe down the road to Communism-Lite. Yet this is exactly what the democrat party has become, an extension of the EU. Is it any wonder why Kerry was so liked by the EU and its would be leader, France? For the next four years, Winning Conservatives need to explain to man-on-the-street democrats why we reject radical left wing philosopy, and why its harmful to every American. Lets make certain that at the next election, Conservatives win by 55% or better! The left is wrong, and they know it, but their God hating vanity will not allow them to change. Conservatives who endorse Traditional Familiy Values will win everytime! America has spoken: Marriage is between Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Tracey The Insanity of the Left

As America’s Democrat Party leaps to the extreme left, its leadership can’t figure out why America soundly rejected Kerry and Democrat members of the House and Senate.

Showing incredible vanity, Kerry said on 11/09/2004 that he might run again in 2025! To those of us on the winning side of the isle, we say “GO KERRY GO!”. Because by 2025, Democrats will still be wondering why they were crushed in the 2025 presidential election.

America is not a socialist, crybaby, whining european country. We know better than to follow Canada, and Western Europe down the road to Communism-Lite. Yet this is exactly what the democrat party has become, an extension of the EU. Is it any wonder why Kerry was so liked by the EU and its would be leader, France?

For the next four years, Winning Conservatives need to explain to man-on-the-street democrats why we reject radical left wing philosopy, and why its harmful to every American.

Lets make certain that at the next election, Conservatives win by 55% or better!

The left is wrong, and they know it, but their God hating vanity will not allow them to change. Conservatives who endorse Traditional Familiy Values will win everytime!

America has spoken: Marriage is between Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

