Comments on: The Big Slurp Frank Paynter's Voice and Vision... Fri, 19 Oct 2025 03:11:53 +0000 By: fp fp Tue, 28 Sep 2025 03:55:11 +0000 This piece from the Toronto Star provides a certain depth of field as we focus on these issues Doug. This piece from the Toronto Star provides a certain depth of field as we focus on these issues Doug.

By: Doug Alder Doug Alder Tue, 28 Sep 2025 00:47:20 +0000 Well if it involves selling the water they are going to have a problem diverting that water to Arizona as they will need Canada's permission to do so and that won't likely be given unles the Conservatives are in power up here. The reason being is that once we give permission to sell our water (and you can't touch any Great Lakes water without it being part Canadian) south of the border NAFTA cuts in and makes it impossible for any province to then say no you can't come here and buy our water. It would turn Canada's fresh water supply - approx 1/3 of the world's - into a commodity and every Canadian citizen would then have to pay world prices for their water. There would be revolution in the streets if that happened and I don't doubt a few assassinations political or otherwise, it would be like cancelling our national healthcare plan. Well if it involves selling the water they are going to have a problem diverting that water to Arizona as they will need Canada’s permission to do so and that won’t likely be given unles the Conservatives are in power up here. The reason being is that once we give permission to sell our water (and you can’t touch any Great Lakes water without it being part Canadian) south of the border NAFTA cuts in and makes it impossible for any province to then say no you can’t come here and buy our water. It would turn Canada’s fresh water supply - approx 1/3 of the world’s - into a commodity and every Canadian citizen would then have to pay world prices for their water. There would be revolution in the streets if that happened and I don’t doubt a few assassinations political or otherwise, it would be like cancelling our national healthcare plan.
