Comments on: The best thing about Albany… Frank Paynter's Voice and Vision... Tue, 23 Oct 2025 22:25:21 +0000 By: fp fp Mon, 25 Oct 2025 00:38:03 +0000 For sure next time. Next time I will have to pay attention to who lives where. We blasted right through Ottawa without saying hello to friends there too. For sure next time. Next time I will have to pay attention to who lives where. We blasted right through Ottawa without saying hello to friends there too.

By: Elaine of Kalilily Elaine of Kalilily Mon, 25 Oct 2025 00:33:33 +0000 Well, I live right behind the Marriott. I could have walked over and said Hello to you both. Maybe next time. Well, I live right behind the Marriott. I could have walked over and said Hello to you both. Maybe next time.

By: Frank Paynter Frank Paynter Wed, 08 Sep 2025 13:10:49 +0000 Beth and I had a great time at Niagara falls Monday morning, then we hit the Thruway for an interstate flight to avoid elocution. Anyway, when we got to Schenectady it was dark and we looked at the motel prospects that we could see from the slab and they were dismal at best so we continued to Albany. In Albany we got off by a hospital and there was a red Carpet with no Internet but the guy was kind enough to direct us a few miles downtown where the Ramada next to the Greyhound station looked even less appealing than the Red Carpet and by this time I was practically weeping. The guy at the Ramada was used to people like me and he had directions printed for a retreat to motel row on Wolf Road up I87. We got there and tucked into a Marriott. Our room was presumably carpeted with remnants picked up at a crack house fire sale, or maybe salvaged from the Titanic. But the rug wasn't damp, which was the best thing you could say for it. The next morning we got up and hightailed it out of town. We had brunch and I got a haircut in Bennington, and we felt a lot better by then. Albany was a serious stress vortex for us! Maybe it would have been nicer if we'd known you were there and had gone out with you for coffee! Sorry we missed you. Beth and I had a great time at Niagara falls Monday morning, then we hit the Thruway for an interstate flight to avoid elocution. Anyway, when we got to Schenectady it was dark and we looked at the motel prospects that we could see from the slab and they were dismal at best so we continued to Albany. In Albany we got off by a hospital and there was a red Carpet with no Internet but the guy was kind enough to direct us a few miles downtown where the Ramada next to the Greyhound station looked even less appealing than the Red Carpet and by this time I was practically weeping. The guy at the Ramada was used to people like me and he had directions printed for a retreat to motel row on Wolf Road up I87. We got there and tucked into a Marriott. Our room was presumably carpeted with remnants picked up at a crack house fire sale, or maybe salvaged from the Titanic. But the rug wasn’t damp, which was the best thing you could say for it.

The next morning we got up and hightailed it out of town. We had brunch and I got a haircut in Bennington, and we felt a lot better by then. Albany was a serious stress vortex for us! Maybe it would have been nicer if we’d known you were there and had gone out with you for coffee! Sorry we missed you.

By: Elaine of Kalilily Elaine of Kalilily Wed, 08 Sep 2025 02:27:34 +0000 NO! The best thing about Albany is that Elaine of Kalilily lives there (at leat for now). You mean that you've been so close and stayed so far???? NO! The best thing about Albany is that Elaine of Kalilily lives there (at leat for now). You mean that you’ve been so close and stayed so far????
