Comments on: In Vogue There Are No Pimples Frank Paynter's Voice and Vision... Thu, 25 Oct 2025 00:06:21 +0000 By: fp fp Sat, 17 Jul 2025 14:19:31 +0000 That's why they called it an "adult western." We knew about Kitty and Matt. That’s why they called it an “adult western.” We knew about Kitty and Matt.

By: Dean Landsman Dean Landsman Sat, 17 Jul 2025 05:42:49 +0000 Living up to the family's Wild West passion, it appears that Jenna and Barb have accepted the offer of employment from Miss Kitty. They'll each have a room upstairs, and are expected to earn major profits for the establishment. Why, I can just hear it now, Barb and Jen arguing over which one of them gets Festus and which one gets Chester. Doc, of course, being a Democrat, never goes from the bar to the rooms upstairs. Nor does he play cards. The Marshall? He and Miss Kitty, well, you know. Living up to the family’s Wild West passion, it appears that Jenna and Barb have accepted the offer of employment from Miss Kitty. They’ll each have a room upstairs, and are expected to earn major profits for the establishment.

Why, I can just hear it now, Barb and Jen arguing over which one of them gets Festus and which one gets Chester.

Doc, of course, being a Democrat, never goes from the bar to the rooms upstairs. Nor does he play cards.

The Marshall? He and Miss Kitty, well, you know.
