Comments on: The Good, the Bad, and the Mean… Frank Paynter's Voice and Vision... Fri, 12 Oct 2025 19:44:29 +0000 By: Dave McDorman Dave McDorman Sun, 27 Jun 2025 23:19:58 +0000 fp - I thank you for holding DW accountable for his words. There should be some guidelines for conflict on the web and the only force that should apply is a moral force to be truthful, fair and kind. The storm has led me to some better voices on the net and true leaders in the debate over accountability and authentic voices. fp -
I thank you for holding DW accountable for his words. There should be some guidelines for conflict on the web and the only force that should apply is a moral force to be truthful, fair and kind. The storm has led me to some better voices on the net and true leaders in the debate over accountability and authentic voices.

By: Seth Finkelstein Seth Finkelstein Sun, 27 Jun 2025 04:12:22 +0000 On Wiley - Perhaps Road Runner meat has a reputation as a delicacy. After all, look how hard it is to acquire! Acme probably doesn't have any in stock. There has to have been other food sources around, since there's no way Wiley could have grown-up otherwise. Obviously there must be easier prey. But he wouldn't be the first person (?) to have been chasing the unattainable for some reason. On Wiley - Perhaps Road Runner meat has a reputation as a delicacy. After all, look how hard it is to acquire! Acme probably doesn’t have any in stock.

There has to have been other food sources around, since there’s no way Wiley could have grown-up otherwise. Obviously there must be easier prey. But he wouldn’t be the first person (?) to have been chasing the unattainable for some reason.
